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Mudeford JuniorSchool

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Mudeford JuniorSchool

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Latest News

Keep up to date with all the news happening in school at the moment.

  • End of Year 6 Arrangements for Year 6

    Tue 30 Jun 2020 L.Goodlet

    Dear Parents/Carers


    It has been fantastic being able to welcome the Year Six children back to school before their transition to the various local secondary schools. The children have settled back extremely well, given the safety measures that have been put into place and the school day being different to what they were previously used to. We want the children’s last day to be a positive one, giving the children a chance to say goodbye to the teachers and some of their friends.


    Due to the Government guidelines, we are unable to run a last day with the whole of the Year 6 cohort; the end of year arrangements will only involve the children in their Year 6 group. However, we feel strongly that this special time should be celebrated and recognised. Therefore, there will be three different days that we say goodbye to the children. Group A’s last day will be Wednesday 15 July; Group B’s will be Thursday 16 July and Group C’s is Thursday 9 July.


    On the children’s last day, we will be running a few activities to make it special for them. They will also be receiving hoodies that this year have been specially donated by the Friends of the School (PTA), leavers’ certificates, leavers’ pen and the children will be able to bring in (not wear) their school shirt, which can be signed by the other children in a safe way.


    We would usually be inviting the children to the popular leavers’ disco. This is something we still envisage to put on for the children when the government regulations permit, but as of yet we do not know a date for this - it won’t be until the next academic year. We will contact you via email.


    You should have been refunded all monies paid to the school for the cancelled Osmington Bay trip. Please inform the office if this is not the case. You should also have received through the post your child’s annual report, which is in a reduced format due to the current situation where we have not been able to complete the academic year. Again, please inform the office if you have not received it. 


    We are always very proud of the Year 6 children and even more so this year when faced with such challenging times. They have proven to be fun, resilient, determined and an engaging group of children that have made excellent progress, not just in year 6, but throughout their time at Mudeford Junior School. We will miss each and every one of them dearly but are confident that they will make a very successful transition to their new schools in the next academic year. We would like to take this opportunity to say goodbye to those parents who will also be leaving us. Thank you so much for all your help and support throughout your child’s time at school and in particular over the last few months.


    We look forward to seeing you when you collect your child on each of their group’s last days over the coming weeks.


    Stay safe and all the best


    Mr L. Goodlet and Mrs K. Miller

  • Year 5 Application for Secondary School Placement September 2021

    Mon 29 Jun 2020 M.Partridge
  • Year 3, 4 and 5 Visits into School

    Fri 19 Jun 2020 M.Partridge

    Dear Parents/Carers


    I hope you are all keeping well.


    Over the next few days you will be receiving your child’s annual report which is in a reduced format this year due to the current situation where we have not been able to complete the academic year.


    Although the Government has stated that the school does not need to bring in all year groups before the end of the summer term, it has changed the guidance this week to allow Headteachers the discretion to bring in greater numbers of children. At present the school is catering for growing numbers of key worker children, alongside the 61 out of 66 Year 6 children who are attending lessons. With only four weeks of the term remaining, I feel strongly that I would like to give all the children in Years 3,4 and 5, together with the transitioning Year 2 group, the opportunity to return to school. This will allow the children to see their class teachers once more, to reassure them that the school is a safe place to return to and to give them closure for this academic year. This will take the form of one visit of around one and a half hours and will be weather dependant, as all sessions will be taking place outside to minimise risk. The children will not be required to wear school uniform and will only need to bring a coat and a filled water bottle with them. They will be invited in to school in small groups during an allocated time period. Further details will follow.


    Things will be a little different for the children as we have put measures in place to keep them and the adults in school safe. To help with the children's return, so they and parents are aware of the new measures and layout around the school, we have put together a presentation showing how the school has changed. This presentation will be on the Year Group section of the school website on the top of the noticeboard.


    Only one parent should accompany their child at the start and end of the session. Parents are requested not to congregate at entrances to the school and to move away from the school as soon as possible. Upon arrival to the school, please wait in the designated area with your child, socially distanced from others in the area. They must stay with you at all times until collected by the teacher. Siblings must also remain with their parent and not use the playground. Parents will not be allowed to enter the school building with their child.


    We are really looking forward to welcoming the children back in to school!


    As always, stay safe,


    M. Partridge

  • Mr Partridge Message - 2nd Half Summer Term

    Tue 02 Jun 2020 M.Partridge

    Dear Parents/Carers


    I hope you are keeping safe and well.


    I have recorded a special message for all of the children which can be found in every year group page on the school website. Click here to view.


    I would like to thank you for what you are already doing to help your child in their home learning. It is very important to do the best you can to support your child with their home learning and keeping learning habits going will greatly help the children when they return to school.


    The teachers continue to set weekly tasks, found on the school website.  You may wish to undertake additional tasks such as the Oak National Academy online classroom lessons, which can also be found on the website.


    It is essential that the children continue to read regularly at home during any period of school closure. We would highly recommend that all children read a range of genre during this period – there is a free range of age-

    related e-books available at


    Please remember, however, that there is no pressure to do all the tasks on the website, you cannot replicate ‘school’ at home.  We aim to provide some learning to help keep structure and focus for your children at home through this difficult and challenging time.  We understand and appreciate what you are having to do at home with your own children is not easy and many of you will have siblings of different ages and still be expected to work from home yourselves.


    Enjoy the video, thinking of you all, stay safe as always,


    M Partridge


  • A welcome back message from Mr. Partridge for the second half of the summer term

    Mon 01 Jun 2020 by Mr Goodlet
    To watch a welcome back message from Mr. Partidge for the second half of the summer term click here.