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Mudeford JuniorSchool

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Mudeford JuniorSchool

House Points

House points

  • Red 1021
  • Blue 1076
  • Yellow 935
  • Green 1003



At Mudeford Junior School, we provide an exciting curriculum which prepares our children for a challenging and fast changing Digital World. Through their exploration of a variety of stimulating programs, digital devices and discussion, children are exposed to the essential knowledge needed to stay safe whilst online. They have the opportunity to develop a high level of basic skills which will be essential in their future learning. With the use of research based techniques, children develop computational thinking, independence and resilience to predict, modify, use and make code in diverse contexts. Units of work are balanced across the three different areas: ICT, Digital Literacy and Computer Science. They are taught in half termly topics with purposeful links to other curriculum areas giving children access to ideas and experiences from a wide range of people, communities and cultures.

By the time children leave Mudeford Junior School, they show confidence in computational thinking, independence in problem solving and are ready to confidently use their computing skills in further education and beyond.   

Digital Literacy

As children progress through the school, it is crucial that they learn to balance the great benefits offered by technology with a critical awareness of their own and other’s online behaviour. Throughout the E-safety units and within each computing unit, children develop affective strategies for staying safe and making a positive contribution online. E-safety units focus on the knowledge and skills relevant to each age group and some sessions (when needed) take account of current issues highlighted in the media and within the school or home setting. E-safety coverage focuses on eight main areas: Self-image and Identity, Online relationships, Online Reputation, Online bullying, Managing Online Information, Health-Wellbeing and Lifestyle, Privacy and Security, Copyright and Ownership. Some E-safety objectives will be covered within Relationship Education. Digital Leaders in school provide support for others by helping to promote safe and appropriate online behaviours.

Information Technology

We believe the basic skills in ICT are essential for further education and life. They provide learners with an initial layer of skills needed for secondary school and future work. Word processing skills are learnt using Microsoft Word and PowerPoint/Adobe Spark are used to develop skills in multimedia presenting and web design. Children progress from branching databases to manipulate data and formulas in Microsoft Excel. IPads are used to teach animation linked to poetry on the Stop Motion Animation APP and children learn the skills needed to create a short documentary using iMovie linked to a Geography topic. Teaching of ICT will allow children to consolidate learning in many other areas of the curriculum.

Computer Science

In computer science, we use a structured approach to teaching programming based on research. Scratch is used to develop children’s computational thinking and problem solving. Code comprehension methods are used within most units which follow a structure where children start with examining good quality examples of code. This is followed by the children modifying the code and finally creating their own project (Use-Modify-Create) Children progress from inputs/outputs, loops and sequences to selection, procedures and variables. Children are strongly encouraged to independently debug their code. 



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Please also see the E-safety section of the website.

SAFER INTERNET DAY - SAVE THE DATE - Tuesday 11th February 2025. The theme this year is..... Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online.

Parental Control of Devices Advice

Online Safety Newsletters
