The children in each year group spend 3 lessons a week specifically focussing on developing their understanding of spelling. At Mudeford Junior School, our teaching of spelling reflects the 2014 National curriculum requirements and focuses on the teaching of the Statutory Word lists for each year group and spelling rules and conventions. The curriculum is tailored to each individual child by targeted assessment and the use of individual personalised spelling lists. The 'No Nonsense' spelling scheme forms the basis for our progressions in teaching spelling.
The children are regularly assessed to ensure that they are achieving the intended learning outcome and are supported further with areas of spelling that they find more difficult.
To support your child’s learning, he/she will be given weekly spelling homework tasks. These may comprise of:
- A personalised list of spelling words to be practised using a range of strategies (to be found at the beginning of your child's spelling journal)
- A list of sentences to copy and learn
- An activity or task based around a spelling rule practised in class that week
Your child will bring home their purple spelling journal every week containing details of their homework and in the front of this book you will find ways in which you can support your child. Your support and encouragement is vital in securing your child’s knowledge as confident spellers. Thank you!