School Uniform Policy
We are very proud of the appearance of the children in Mudeford Junior School
Our uniform is a symbol of belonging to Mudeford Junior School and underlines the sense of community we seek to develop. The children should take pride in their appearance and present a positive image for their school. We ask for your support in this matter. On rare occasions we may need to talk to children and parents of our expectations with regard to dress code.
The only item of clothing that is required to be purchased from the school office is the school sweatshirt that carries the Mudeford Junior School logo. All other items of clothing can be purchased more widely from multiple retailers including supermarkets. These items of clothing can be generic items of clothing (e.g. plain white polo shirt) and do not require any branding.
School Wear
* Please note: Leggings and jeggings should not be worn beneath skirts
Plain black leather style shoes are to be worn. Black training shoes, trainer style shoes are not acceptable. We do not allow children to wear boots, flip flops, open toed or backless shoes or sandals which do not support the ankle. We also ask for your support in controlling the size of heel as a matter of health and safety.
Children whose ears are pierced may wear plain studs if necessary but we cannot accept responsibility for the loss or damage of jewellery brought to school. All other forms of jewellery including wristbands and bracelets, are not allowed for reasons of safety.
We do not allow children to wear make-up or nail varnish to school. False and acrylic nails are not permitted.
Fake tan is considered a cosmetic product and is not allowed.
Hair should look tidy. Extremes of hairstyle are no permitted. We do not allow any colouring or dyeing of hair. Long hair may be required to be tied back for Health and Safety reasons where appropriate.
PE kit (indoors)
Navy blue T shirt with school logo which can be purchased from the school office, plain navy or plain white T shirt, black shorts, plimsolls or trainers.
Winter games kit (outdoors)
Navy blue T shirt with school logo which can be purchased from the school office, plain navy or plain white T shirt, black shorts, trainers. Mudeford Junior School sweatshirt can be worn for games, as can jogging bottoms (plain black or navy blue with no markings).
Summer games kit (outdoors)
Navy blue T shirt with school logo which can be purchased from the school office, plain navy or plain white T shirt, plain black or navy shorts, trainers.
Second Hand Uniform
We do not sell second hand uniform. However, if some become available then we donate this to families on Free School Meals (FSM).
Children are expected to be responsible for their own belongings and look after them properly. Valuable items such as mobile phones**, personal radio/stereos, computer games and toys are not allowed in school. Parents seeking advice regarding this matter are welcome to contact school by phone or via the school’s website
**Children should only bring a mobile phone into school in case of an emergency, in which case they will need an accompanying letter of explanation. Under these circumstances, mobile phones need to be taken immediately to the office upon entry to the school grounds. If a mobile phone is brought into school without an accompanying letter, it will be retained in the school safe until collection by a parent.
All items of clothing and other property should be clearly labelled with the child’s name.
The school cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to personal property in school.