Basic background Information on Mudeford Junior School
Mudeford Junior School is a community school situated in the Ancient Borough of Christchurch. It is housed in a single storey building set within extensive school grounds.
The school caters for 264 children between the ages of 7 and 11. There are four year groups Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 and two mixed ability classes in each year group. The Governors have set a maximum class size of 33.
The school enjoys a rich environment varying widely from seashore and fishing harbour to the open spaces of the New Forest and the nearby town of Bournemouth. Every opportunity is taken to use the richness of the local environment to enhance the school’s curriculum.
Children transfer mainly from Mudeford Infants School. Frequent meetings occur between staff in both schools to ensure the smooth transfer of the children. We take a lot of trouble to get to know our new children and their parents well before they join us in September.
The town of Christchurch is served by three comprehensive schools and together they combine to offer a range of sixth form studies. Children are also able to apply for admission to the grammar schools in Bournemouth. We regularly consult with local schools to ensure continuity in the children’s education.
Please refer to the Community section of the website for more information about our feeder schools.