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Mudeford JuniorSchool

School Logo

Mudeford JuniorSchool

House Points

House points

  • Red 1021
  • Blue 1076
  • Yellow 935
  • Green 1003

Written Calculations Progressions (including fractions)

When teaching all written number operations there are progressions which take place. Below are four simple guides to demonstrate how we teach the four number operations and the various stages children will go through in their learning at Mudeford Junior School.

A far greater emphasis is placed on the development of mental maths skills enabling children to work things out in their head and this in turn helps them to develop the use of effective written methods. The children's mental maths skills and basic skills are continually reinforced as they progress through the various stages. Children are expected to fully understand the expanded written methods before moving onto and developing their understanding of how these can be transfered to the compact written methods.

I hope these guides are of assistance to you. For more information on how to help your child in mathematics please visit the 'Helping your Child' page of the Mathematics Curriculum pages.