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Mudeford JuniorSchool

School Logo

Mudeford JuniorSchool

House Points

House points

  • Red 1021
  • Blue 1076
  • Yellow 935
  • Green 1003

About Our Curriculum

There are so many fantastic sporting opportunities for the children at Mudeford Junior School I don't know where to begin!

Each week the children have one outdoor games lesson and one indoor PE lesson. Due to our close proximity to the sea, we offer our children in year 3 swimming on a weekly basis during the Autumn and Spring Terms. During games sessions the children will learn a range of transferable skills in the context of rugby, football, netball, handball, dodgeball, Quidditch, tennis, athletics, rounders and cricket. When the children do indoor PE, they will be covering units in gymnastics and dance.  (Please see curriculum overview map).  

Our curriculum has been selected by the children and we follow Complete PE for all of our PE lessons. 

As well a varied PE curriculum, we encourage as many children as possible, and those with particular strengths in specific sports, to represent the school throughout their time at Mudeford Juniors. Last academic year, we attended a record number of tournaments and festivals, with a huge number of children benefiting from these inter school competitions. As a result of the Primary Sports Premium, we are have been able to join the Christchurch Schools Sports Partnership which allows us to have a huge range of activities on offer for our children this year!


I am pleased to report that Mudeford Junior School have achieved PLATINUM in the School Games Mark.  We are one of the few schools in Christchurch to achieve this! 
