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Mudeford JuniorSchool

School Logo

Mudeford JuniorSchool

House Points

House points

  • Red 1021
  • Blue 1076
  • Yellow 935
  • Green 1003


Design and Technology Intent Statement


Our curriculum intentions for Design and Technology (DT) at Mudeford Junior School are for the children to develop their creativity, imagination and practical skills in order to design and make products that can be used in real life situations. We encourage the children to apply knowledge learnt across other areas the curriculum and to build their resilience and analytical skills through problem solving and finding ways to overcome challenges and improve designs and products.


Children at Mudeford Junior School learn skills in product research, disassembling and building products, making prototypes, testing, designing and evaluating and apply these skills to real life contexts. Through our curriculum, we aim to encourage both independent and team work. DT is often taught in blocked, discreet units of work in order to maximise learning time and engagement in the design and make process. Throughout this process, the children use an increasingly wide range of tools, resources and materials, including the use of ICT. Food technology is a big focus of our DT curriculum as we feel it is important for children to have experience of cooking nutritious food from scratch to set them up for a healthy future.


By the time children leave our school, they will have created products using a knowledge of textiles, construction and food technology, involving an increasing level of skill as they progress through the school, all of which will provide them with a strong foundation for the next step in their learning.

