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Mudeford JuniorSchool

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Mudeford JuniorSchool

House Points

House points

  • Red 500
  • Blue 1000
  • Yellow 750
  • Green 250

Curriculum Overview

SMSC Policy 2021

Please select a curriculum area to visit the dedicated pages maintained by each subject leader

We have included some links to websites that you may find interesting and helpful.  Please note that although we try our best to maintain the website to a high standard;  Mudeford Junior School is not responsible for any of the external links to websites, nor is it responsible for any of the information which might appear in them.

The National Curriculum at Mudeford Junior School
The National Curriculum describes a pupil’s compulsory education in four key stages. Mudeford Junior School follows the Programmes of Study described in Key Stage 2 for children aged 7-11.

Furthermore, in consideration of the particular circumstances in the tradition of the school, the Governors have identified the following aims:

  • to promote the teaching of swimming and water safety skills;
  • to promote and continue to develop the quality of outdoor and environmental education; 
  • to ensure the appointment of a teacher capable of maintaining the high standards of music in the school.

The curriculum represents the experiences, opportunities and activities that we offer in school to help the children learn and develop.

The basic skills of literacy and numeracy are of fundamental importance but in addition we aim to provide a broad curriculum to enable the children to develop all their many talents, a wide range of skills, their curiosity and interest, and their understanding of the world in which we live. We also recognise the importance of the children’s personal, social and spiritual development so that they develop in a ‘whole’ way.

The National Curriculum consists of core and foundation subjects which must be taught to all pupils of compulsory school age.

Maths, English and Science.

History, Geography, Music, Art and Design, Computing, Design Technology and P.E.

Each curriculum area has an identified subject leader. The list of these can be found in the Who's Who section of the website or by clicking here. Each of the Curriculum areas taught at Mudeford Junior School have their own dedicated pages (see above) and are maintained by the identified subject leader.

We include provision for a modern foreign language. This is currently Spanish and French. We are supported in this provision by visiting teachers from Highcliffe School as well as provision for French from our own resources.

Children are taught in mixed ability classes and spend most of their time with their class teacher.  In some subjects there is specialist teaching for example your child may be taught by another teacher in Music, PE, a foreign language and food technology.  In line with the Governors’ recommendations there is a strong emphasis on the use of the local area.  The children have the opportunity to study local history and geography.

Article 31 states, “all children have a right to relax and play and to join in a wide range of activities”

We attach great importance to the physical health of our children.  We expect them to participate fully in Physical Education in order to develop the skills and co-ordination they require to make the most of their leisure pursuits. Gymnastics and dance occur throughout the year as elements of the PE provision. Two hours  per week, which is 9% of curriculum time, is allocated to Physical Education.

The school takes part in local tournaments and enjoys matches against local schools. We have extensive school grounds, which provides two soccer pitches, training ground and netball courts.  There is also an artificial cricket pitch and practice net. In the summer we have an athletics track and rounders pitches. A wide range of fixed and portable gymnastic equipment is available in the school hall. The local youth soccer club regularly hires the school football pitch and the cricket club also uses the cricket facilities.

The school staff has a range of  coaching awards including soccer, rugby, gymnastics and swimming. We employ an advanced swimming coach to oversee the teaching of swimming at Two Riversmeet Sports Centre. We also make use of specialist coaches in soccer, rugby, short tennis and dodgeball.

Music is well developed in Mudeford Junior School. As well as enjoying music in the curriculum the children have the opportunity to learn a variety of instruments. The school has a well-equipped music room with a large range of instruments including a samba band and a drum kit.

Educational trips are another important part of the school curriculum. Where possible we provide day visits and longer residential trips to widen the children’s educational experience. We also make use of visits from artists, musicians, writers, dance and drama groups to enrich the children’s learning.

We are constantly reviewing the curriculum so that we keep abreast of new ideas and changes.  We are always adapting our curriculum policies and teaching styles to reflect both our beliefs and the requirements of the National Curriculum.

Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Development (S.M.S.C.)

We aim to develop each of these aspects, as well as we can, for every child at our school. Opportunities for S.M.S.C. development are created in the curriculum, in extra- curricular activities,  through our assemblies and reflections, Family SEAL, ELSA, Peer Mediation system, Community Cohesion Week, Global Awareness Week, School Council and our whole ethos of being a Rights Respecting School.  We are always looking for opportunities to develop the children at our school to give them the best chance in becoming a happy, successful member of the community. 



Article 13 states, “children have the right to get and share information as long as the information is not damaging to them or to others.”

The school has an up to date Learning Resource Centre (LRC) with a network of  PCs.
The children follow a programme to develop their skills in communication, data handling and control, and modelling. The school is on-line and the children have controlled access to the Internet and E-mail.  

All children will receive some homework.  The amount of work set and its frequency will increase throughout the four years. By the end of Year 6, children should be used to a regular homework programme in order to develop the skills of independent study so much needed in the secondary school.

Parents are asked to work with the school to ensure that children complete homework in time.  We ask parents to monitor homework and to sign and date the homework book on a regular basis. Without parental support the homework programme for your child cannot succeed. A copy of the Homework Policy is available to parents in the policy area of the About Us section.

Assemblies take place daily and consist of whole school assemblies, year assemblies and in-class assemblies. Assemblies are non-denominational in character. Each week the whole school follow a theme for their assemblies and this may be based on important values, significant days e.g. Saints' days or festivals or the theme may reflect a national week e.g. Anti-Bullying Week. Children are encouraged to spend time collectively on a particular reflective idea. This Reflection of the Week is displayed in each classroom.

Parents are invited to attend the leavers’ assembly at the end of the summer term. We are assisted on occasions by local clergy and visiting speakers. Parents may withdraw their child from assemblies if they wish to do so. If you wish to withdraw your child from assembly please contact the Headteacher to discuss it.

Religious Education
Religious Education is taught throughout the school and follows the Dorset Agreed Syllabus. The subject is a part of the School’s approach to spiritual and moral education and is supported by a full programme of personal, social education.

Our aim is to encourage a more reflective approach to the meaning, purpose and value of life and to study the beliefs and practices of Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Islam. Other faith and secular beliefs are also considered. The school will actively celebrate the Christian festivals of Harvest, Christmas and Easter and will hope to foster respect for the beliefs and practices of others as well as discover more about their own.

If you think it is best for your child you can take them out of all or part of RE lessons. Please see the Headteacher to discuss your concerns.

Special Educational Needs (SEN)

We are a fully inclusive school.

Article 23, “children who have any kind of disability should have special care and support so that they can lead full and independent lives.”

We are committed to providing all the children with learning opportunities which are appropriate to their individual needs. We make arrangements for those who need additional or specialised provision. We have a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator who manages the provision of special needs with class teachers and advice from the Educational Psychologist.

We use a combination of classroom support and withdrawal activities. Some children have specific help from Teaching Assistants. Guidance for Parents and Carers about Special Education Needs, from the Parent Partnership, is available in the Reception Area. This covers a wide range of issues including dyslexia, dyspraxia, individual education plans and speech and language problems. If you have any concerns regarding your child please do not hesitate to ask.

Sex and Relationship Education

The Governors have agreed a policy which provides sex education as an essential and integral part of a balanced curriculum. Sex Education is taught as part of the Health Education programme which is developed throughout the junior years. It deals mainly with personal and social development, relationships, hygiene and health and the growth and change of our bodies. Many aspects of Sex Education are covered as part of the Science National Curriculum.

In Year 6, children will study human reproduction following a programme to include videos and discussion. We attempt to deal with the children’s questions about physical differences between male and female and human reproduction honestly and factually as they arise. The School Nurse is also available to discuss issues with the children. Emphasis is placed throughout on the importance of loving, caring relationships and set within the context of family life.

Parents have the opportunity to view the programmes before they are shown to the children.  Parents have the right to withdraw their child from the school’s Sex Education Programme except those elements which are require to be taught by the National Curriculum.

As the school is situated so close to the sea and rivers the Governors have placed a high priority on children learning to swim. Children are taught swimming in Year 3. They are expected to attend swimming on a regular basis in order to reach the minimum National Curriculum standard of 25 metres. We follow the programmes of teaching in the ASA levels of achievement.

Full participation in swimming is essential if the overall cost to the school is to be met. We welcome your support in encouraging your child to attend swimming lessons and make regular payment on time.

Please inform the school in a written note if you wish your child to miss swimming. 

Pupil Participation
Article 12 states, “children have the right to say what they think should happen when adults are making decisions that affect them, and to have their opinions taken into account.”

We are fully committed to pupil participation in the running of our school. We use the opinions of children in different ways; their views on learning, involvement in staff interviews, meetings with Governors and peer mediation. For example the children were involved in the refurbishment of the children’s toilets.

All the children have the opportunity to be elected onto their class councils and subsequently onto the School Council. Members of our school have also been elected onto the Christchurch Schools’ Pupil Council and the Local Authority Students’ Council.

The School Council has its own bank account. They are responsible for carrying out meetings, writing minutes and the School Council newsletter. They also raise funds for playtime equipment, charities as well as sponsoring the education of a child in Zambia.



