School Logo

Mudeford JuniorSchool

School Logo

Mudeford JuniorSchool

House Points

House points

  • Red 1021
  • Blue 1076
  • Yellow 935
  • Green 1003

Home-School Links

Home-School Agreement

Our Home School Agreement describes ways in which the school can work in partnership with parents and children.

We value the contribution parents make to their children’s education and would ask you to discuss the agreement with your children and to promote positive attitudes to school. A copy of the agreement is sent to each family or is available via at the bottom of the page.


Home-School Links

We believe that an effective home–school partnership is essential for the successful education of children. By working together we can ensure that each child becomes happy, confident and secure and will grow up to be a valuable member of the community. We seek to develop our school as a “listening community” where the school staff are accessible to share concerns. Parents are encouraged to discuss any problems with the class teacher or the Headteacher.

We value the contribution that parents make to our school. Many parents come into school to work with children and involve themselves in activities such as reading support and assistance with sporting activities, art and craft and educational visits. As part of the procedures related to working with children you will be asked to undergo the criminal disclosure procedures.

Parents who volunteer to transport children on school activities using their own car will be asked to sign a declaration form as proof of:

  • valid insurance
  • MOT
  • seat belts will be used by the children.

If you feel you can offer help in any way please fill out the Driver Risk Assessment Form at the bottom of the page and return it to school. 

We will keep you informed in a variety of ways including:

  • The Latest News Section, Calendar and Letters of the School Website
  • School newsletters sent to all parents. Usually this consists of a main newsletter once a term, followed by other occasional newsletters (also see the Whole School Letters section of the School website or click here);
  • Year group newsletters describing the children’s work and information about events being organised by the Year Team (also see the letters section of the School Website or click here);
  • Information about specific events;
  • Pupil reports. This consists of  a comprehensive End of Year Report;
  • Parents’ Evenings (see below);
  • The School Profile on the Parents’ Information Site at
  • Newsletters from the Friends of the School;
  • Posters and Leaflets displayed on the School Notice Boards.


There is also a Governor's section on the School Website that is targeted to improve communication between parents and Governors. Click here to visit.

Parents Evenings
During the school year formal and informal meetings are planned to enable you to meet your child’s teachers. There are two formal meetings in the Autumn and Spring Term and an informal meeting in the Summer Term. 

The meeting in the Autumn Term gives you an opportunity to get to know the teacher and to see how your child has settled in their new class.

In the Spring Term you will also have the opportunity to share the children’s progress and discuss this with the class teacher.

In the Summer Term you will receive the End of Year Report. There is also an informal Open Evening where the children share their work with you.

Of course there may be other times you may wish to see a teacher. If you ever have a worry or query please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

