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Mudeford JuniorSchool

School Logo

Mudeford JuniorSchool

House Points

House points

  • Red 500
  • Blue 1000
  • Yellow 750
  • Green 250

Charges for School Activities

All activities taking place during normal school time are to be free of charge except:


  • that board and lodging will be charged on any residential trips in school time subject to remission of charges for parents receiving support;
  • that parents will be asked to provide ingredients and materials for practical lessons on the understanding that the children take home the finished product;
  • that parents may be asked to make voluntary contributions towards the cost of school activities within the school day. 


To cover our costs we rely on the continued goodwill of parents to contribute towards educational visits. We ask you to consider your support of these visits as an important part of your working relationship with us in school. Obviously if the money raised fails to meet the cost it is likely the trip or activity would not take place. No child will ever be excluded from any activity for failing to contribute.

We will ensure that school visits are realistically priced and represent value for money. We will seek to provide parents with adequate notice of payment.

Instrumental Tuition
We are extremely proud of the music provision in Mudeford Junior School. All children are encouraged to enjoy music. Peripatetic music teachers visit the school to provide additional individual tuition.

Schools are permitted to charge parents for music tuition that is outside the National Curriculum. Parents requiring further information regarding selection and charging should contact the school office.

Parents should bear in mind that it involves a long-term expense. Please take this into account before making a decision, as once a place is offered a commitment to take up lessons for a full academic year will be expected. This is based on the school’s requirement to book teachers in advance for the whole year.

Optional extra activities
From time to time activities may be offered to children outside school time. If the activity is outside the National Curriculum it is defined as an optional extra and a charge will be made to cover the actual cost incurred. Participation in these activities will be on the basis of parental choice and a willingness to meet the charge levied.

Damage to school property
The Governors wish to use the funds available to them in the most effective way for all the children.  They will, therefore, seek to recover costs from parents whose children cause damage to school property or misuse or lose materials or books.


Collecting in Money
It would be appreciated if all money brought into school is put into an envelope clearly marked with the child’s name and what the money is for. Cheques are to be made payable to Mudeford Junior School. 

