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Mudeford JuniorSchool

School Logo

Mudeford JuniorSchool

House Points

House points

  • Red 1021
  • Blue 1076
  • Yellow 935
  • Green 1003

Year 3, 4 and 5 Visits into School

Dear Parents/Carers


I hope you are all keeping well.


Over the next few days you will be receiving your child’s annual report which is in a reduced format this year due to the current situation where we have not been able to complete the academic year.


Although the Government has stated that the school does not need to bring in all year groups before the end of the summer term, it has changed the guidance this week to allow Headteachers the discretion to bring in greater numbers of children. At present the school is catering for growing numbers of key worker children, alongside the 61 out of 66 Year 6 children who are attending lessons. With only four weeks of the term remaining, I feel strongly that I would like to give all the children in Years 3,4 and 5, together with the transitioning Year 2 group, the opportunity to return to school. This will allow the children to see their class teachers once more, to reassure them that the school is a safe place to return to and to give them closure for this academic year. This will take the form of one visit of around one and a half hours and will be weather dependant, as all sessions will be taking place outside to minimise risk. The children will not be required to wear school uniform and will only need to bring a coat and a filled water bottle with them. They will be invited in to school in small groups during an allocated time period. Further details will follow.


Things will be a little different for the children as we have put measures in place to keep them and the adults in school safe. To help with the children's return, so they and parents are aware of the new measures and layout around the school, we have put together a presentation showing how the school has changed. This presentation will be on the Year Group section of the school website on the top of the noticeboard.


Only one parent should accompany their child at the start and end of the session. Parents are requested not to congregate at entrances to the school and to move away from the school as soon as possible. Upon arrival to the school, please wait in the designated area with your child, socially distanced from others in the area. They must stay with you at all times until collected by the teacher. Siblings must also remain with their parent and not use the playground. Parents will not be allowed to enter the school building with their child.


We are really looking forward to welcoming the children back in to school!


As always, stay safe,


M. Partridge
