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Mudeford JuniorSchool

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Mudeford JuniorSchool

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Latest News

Keep up to date with all the news happening in school at the moment.

  • Need Support - Christchurch Volunteer Hub - Supporting our community

    Mon 30 Mar 2020 M.Partridge

    Dear All,


    Please see below email from Cllr Simon McCormack  


    For services specific to Christchurch  see the "Christchurch Town Council" or "Christchurch Community Partnership" website for an up to date contact list of support services and food delivery options.



    Dear All,


    BCP Council has launched a Volunteer Hub and dedicated helpline to support vulnerable people who need vital support while isolating at home during the coronavirus outbreak.


    The dedicated helpline can provide a range of support, from organising deliveries of food and household supplies to people in need, and providing information and advice. Additionally, staff working through the Volunteer Hub can make regular telephone calls to help keep people’s spirits up during periods of isolation.


    Councillor Vikki Slade, Leader of BCP Council, said, “We are delighted to launch the Volunteer Hub and dedicated helpline to support our most vulnerable residents across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. 

    “Through our Together We Can community response we have more than 1500 volunteers plus council staff who can help our most vulnerable residents with picking up food and household supplies, as well as provide a cheerful voice to break up those long days of self-isolation. 


    “I know that this is a stressful and worrying time for everyone and there are some residents across our three towns who desperately need help with accessing food and every day household items.  I would encourage anyone who is in this position to call our dedicated helpline so that we can connect you with our volunteers and get you the support you need.”


    The dedicated helpline is 0300 123 7052 and will be open 8am – 8pm seven days a week 


    Residents, businesses and charities are being encouraged to share the dedicated helpline with anyone they think may be vulnerable and without support.


    Want to volunteer?

    People wanting to get involved and help with the Together We Can Volunteer Hub can register their details by visiting:  Please do not call the helpline number as this is only for vulnerable residents who need vital help.


    Many Thanks

    Cllr Simon McCormack




    Administrator, Christchurch Community Partnership

    CCP Registered Office 

    43 Barrack Road


    BH23 1PA

    Tel: 01202 989632 (Manned 9-12 Mon-Fri)


  • Update for our school community

    Fri 27 Mar 2020 M.Partridge


    Dear Parents/Carers,


    Firstly, and most importantly, I hope that you and your families are safe and well.


    I’ve been in school all week and have really missed the children and the fun and laughter they bring!


    At this time, the school has been asked to change its remit to a childcare facility. I am passionate about providing support for the keyworkers in our community and as such will be keeping the school open during the Easter holiday for the children of those on the front line. More detailed information will be sent to those members of the community who have already identified themselves to the school as key workers.

    I’ve been liaising with our hot school meal provider HC3S who have accommodated us, both this week and next, by providing a Free School Meal for those children who are eligible. During the two week Easter period we will provide a food hamper for the two weeks, rather than a daily provision. Those currently eligible for Free School Meals will need to confirm to the office email if they wish to take up this provision.


    Home learning is vitally important for the children; in particular reading a range of genre regularly and extending their vocabulary is something I would like to emphasise.


    Home-learning tasks:


    Next week (beginning 30/3/20) teachers will continue to provide activities for the children to undertake during their time away from school. Children can continue to complete these tasks in their home learning book which has been sent home. At the beginning of each week, teachers will provide a range of activities for both core and foundation subjects. These tasks will be found on the school website, in each relevant year group section.


    Activities for the week will include 3 Maths tasks, 1 Spelling task, 1 Writing task and 1 Reading task. The Maths tasks may involve links to external websites such as White Rose Home Learning. This website provides a video that explains the concepts of the lesson, followed by a task to complete and answers to provide immediate feedback.

    It is essential that the children continue to read regularly at home during any period of school closure. We would highly recommend that all children read a range of genre during this period – there is a free range of age-

    related e-books available at


    As well as the weekly Spelling tasks, you will find the list of words for the children’s year group on the website, so they can practise their spellings. We would also ask that they continue to learn and practise their times tables and multiplication facts. There will be links with other websites to help the children’s learning. For some tasks, answer sheets will be given so that you can mark this work and give instant feedback to the children.


    In addition to the tasks set by the teachers, there will be a TTS work booklet which can also be found in the year group section of the website. This will be voluntary but parents may wish to give their children some additional activities to do. This may include some PE type activities or creative tasks.

    We’ve also asked Mrs Hills, our cookery teacher, to put some of her child-friendly recipes up on the website if you fancy some cooking!


    Remember to log-on and give Timetables Rockstars and Numbots a try. Your teachers will have given you the log-on details if you were in school. If you don't have them, please ring the school office to get hold of them.

    The school has received many communications of appreciation and I would like to thank you all for your continued support. I will keep you updated as the school receives further information.


    Finally, please pass on a message to the children, that all of the staff and myself are missing them and look forward to seeing them when the school re-opens. In the meantime, stay safe and healthy.


    Kind regards,


    M Partridge


  • School Closure Update and Home Learning

    Thu 19 Mar 2020 M.Partridge

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    As always I am extremely proud of the pupils of Mudeford Junior School.  The behaviour and attitudes that have been exhibited throughout this week have been exlemplary. The children are truly a credit to themselves and to the school. 

    At 5.15pm yesterday, the Secretary of State for Education gave a public statement that all state-funded schools in England would be closed from the end of the school day on Friday.


    Having indicated that all schools would be closed, he then indicated that they would be expected to remain open for the children of key workers and for those in various vulnerable categories – providing a safe place and access to meals. We are expecting a definition of ‘key worker’ later tonight from the Cabinet Office. We await clarification for the definition of ‘key worker’ and once defined, we will ask parents to identify themselves as key workers and subsequently inform the school that they wish their children to continue attending.


    The Secretary of State has stated that schools would not be expected to sustain a pattern of normal learning during the closure; groups of children will not be taught in their normal class groupings.


    The Year 4 Ancient Technology Centre trip to Cranborne has been cancelled as has the Year 3 trip to Hengistbury Head, refunds will be processed in due course.  Osmington Bay has advised us that the Year 6 residential, at present, is going ahead as planned. They will continue to update us and do not anticipate any changes to their programme at this stage.


    Home –School Learning


    Following the school closure notice last night, teachers will provide activities for the children to undertake. A separate Home Learning book will be sent home for them to complete these tasks.  At the beginning of each week, teachers will provide a range of activities for both core and foundation subjects.  These tasks will be found on the school website, in each relevant year group section.


    Activities for the week will include 3 Maths tasks, 1 Spelling task, 1 Writing task and 1 Reading task. It is also essential that the children continue to read regularly at home during any period of school closure and I would also ask that they continue to learn and practise their times tables and multiplication facts.  There will be links with other websites to help the children’s learning. For some tasks, answer sheets will be given so that you can give instant feedback to the children.


    In addition to the tasks set by the teachers, there will be a TTS work booklet which can also be found in the year group section of the website.  This will be voluntary but parents may wish to give their children some additional activities to do. This may include some PE type activities or creative tasks.


    I’ve also asked Mrs Hills, our cookery teacher, to put some of her child-friendly recipes up on the website in the eventuality you fancy some cooking!


    If your child is absent on Friday 20th March, their Home Learning book and stationery will be available to collect from the office during the school day.


    Please continue to monitor the website for the latest news.

    Lastly, I would like to thank the parents of the school for the support and trust shown in us by continuing to send your children in to school, in fact attendance for the week has averaged around 90%.


    Wishing you and your family good health,




    M Partridge


  • Coronavirus -. latest government advice.

    Thu 19 Mar 2020 M.Partridge

    Please find below the latest government advice regarding Coronavirus.



  • Coronavirus COVID-19 School update

    Mon 16 Mar 2020 M.Partridge


    Dear parents / carers,


    As you’re probably aware, the government’s guidance on the coronavirus has changed from the ‘contain’ phase to one of delaying the spread of the virus. We’re getting in touch to let you know what we’re doing in light of this, and what we expect from all of you, to help make sure our school community keeps safe and calm.


    We’d like to reassure you that at Mudeford Junior School we’re taking all of the necessary steps to protect our community and are continuing to follow official guidance from the government and BCP local authority.


    What’s the current situation?


    The school remains open – this is the current official guidance we’ve been given. The attendance figures in school have not dropped and remain at usual levels.


    All daily school functions continue to run as normal – this includes afterschool clubs and the book fair this week.


    Pupils should attend unless they feel unwell – if your child has any of the symptoms listed below they should remain at home for 7 days. This will help to protect others in your community while you are infectious. Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. You do not need to contact NHS 111 to tell them you’re staying at home.


    • a new, continuous and persistent cough and/or
    • a temperature


    If your child is unwell, report this as you would normally by contacting the school (either by phone 01202 473217 after 8.30am or via email


    We will update parents regarding trips to Year 4 Cranborne Ancient Technology Centre, Year 3 Hengistbury Head and Year 6 Osmington Bay via Parentmail.


    To minimise the amount of visitors into the school, evening functions at the school - Parents Evenings for Years 3, 4 and 5 (Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25 March) and the School Disco Friday 20 March have been cancelled.


    We’ll keep you up to date with any changes to the current situation


    What we’re doing to protect and support pupils and staff


    If your child shows any of the above symptoms at school, you will be called to collect your child and asked to isolate them for 7 days.


    Cleaning schedules in the school have been reviewed in line with advice from BCP and DFE.


    Children have been taught about the importance of washing hands. Children are now washing their hands at at least three given points during the school day (upon entry into school, before eating breaktime snacks and before lunch. This is in addition to toilet breaks. The Newsround clip has been shown to all children : (


    The allocation of equipment in school has been individualised as much as possible


    PE lessons are now being taught outside



    What we need you to do

    If you’ve recently changed your contact details, please inform the school office as soon as possible via (either by phone 01202 473217 after 8.30am or via email


    Talk to your children about the coronavirus. We should make sure children feel supported. You may wish to use these resources: BBC Newsround has regular updates for younger children and YoungMinds has practical steps for older children.


    Come and collect your child straight away, if we ask you to (we’ll contact you if they become ill with either a temperature or a new, continuous cough)

    Monitor the school website. This will provide information and has links to the latest Government Guidance.


    What happens if the school has to close?


    We’ll only close if we’re either officially advised to do so or we don’t have enough staff to run the school.


    In either case, this information will be shown on the school website.


    Please keep in mind that we’re only sending out this information to help the school community prepare. There are currently no plans to close.


    If you have any questions


    Please consult the:

    School office, if you have any questions about our response to this issue

    NHS, if you want to know more about the symptoms of coronavirus. If you think you or your child may have the symptoms, use NHS 111 online if at all possible before calling 111


    Department for Education’s coronavirus helpline: 0800 046 8687, if you have any questions about the government’s response to coronavirus in relation to schools

    Government’s travel advice, if you want to know whether any upcoming trip or holiday you’re taking abroad should go ahead.


    The needs and safety of the children will continue to be our utmost priority during this time.


    Thank you for your support as we all adapt to this new guidance.





