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Mudeford JuniorSchool

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Mudeford JuniorSchool

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Coronavirus COVID-19 School update


Dear parents / carers,


As you’re probably aware, the government’s guidance on the coronavirus has changed from the ‘contain’ phase to one of delaying the spread of the virus. We’re getting in touch to let you know what we’re doing in light of this, and what we expect from all of you, to help make sure our school community keeps safe and calm.


We’d like to reassure you that at Mudeford Junior School we’re taking all of the necessary steps to protect our community and are continuing to follow official guidance from the government and BCP local authority.


What’s the current situation?


The school remains open – this is the current official guidance we’ve been given. The attendance figures in school have not dropped and remain at usual levels.


All daily school functions continue to run as normal – this includes afterschool clubs and the book fair this week.


Pupils should attend unless they feel unwell – if your child has any of the symptoms listed below they should remain at home for 7 days. This will help to protect others in your community while you are infectious. Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. You do not need to contact NHS 111 to tell them you’re staying at home.


  • a new, continuous and persistent cough and/or
  • a temperature


If your child is unwell, report this as you would normally by contacting the school (either by phone 01202 473217 after 8.30am or via email


We will update parents regarding trips to Year 4 Cranborne Ancient Technology Centre, Year 3 Hengistbury Head and Year 6 Osmington Bay via Parentmail.


To minimise the amount of visitors into the school, evening functions at the school - Parents Evenings for Years 3, 4 and 5 (Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25 March) and the School Disco Friday 20 March have been cancelled.


We’ll keep you up to date with any changes to the current situation


What we’re doing to protect and support pupils and staff


If your child shows any of the above symptoms at school, you will be called to collect your child and asked to isolate them for 7 days.


Cleaning schedules in the school have been reviewed in line with advice from BCP and DFE.


Children have been taught about the importance of washing hands. Children are now washing their hands at at least three given points during the school day (upon entry into school, before eating breaktime snacks and before lunch. This is in addition to toilet breaks. The Newsround clip has been shown to all children : (


The allocation of equipment in school has been individualised as much as possible


PE lessons are now being taught outside



What we need you to do

If you’ve recently changed your contact details, please inform the school office as soon as possible via (either by phone 01202 473217 after 8.30am or via email


Talk to your children about the coronavirus. We should make sure children feel supported. You may wish to use these resources: BBC Newsround has regular updates for younger children and YoungMinds has practical steps for older children.


Come and collect your child straight away, if we ask you to (we’ll contact you if they become ill with either a temperature or a new, continuous cough)

Monitor the school website. This will provide information and has links to the latest Government Guidance.


What happens if the school has to close?


We’ll only close if we’re either officially advised to do so or we don’t have enough staff to run the school.


In either case, this information will be shown on the school website.


Please keep in mind that we’re only sending out this information to help the school community prepare. There are currently no plans to close.


If you have any questions


Please consult the:

School office, if you have any questions about our response to this issue

NHS, if you want to know more about the symptoms of coronavirus. If you think you or your child may have the symptoms, use NHS 111 online if at all possible before calling 111


Department for Education’s coronavirus helpline: 0800 046 8687, if you have any questions about the government’s response to coronavirus in relation to schools

Government’s travel advice, if you want to know whether any upcoming trip or holiday you’re taking abroad should go ahead.


The needs and safety of the children will continue to be our utmost priority during this time.


Thank you for your support as we all adapt to this new guidance.





