Spring 2024
In Year 5 our children are set one piece of formal 'weekend' homework per week. The children will bring home their homework on a Thursday allowing any issues (if they have any) to be addressed with the teacher on Friday. The weekend homework is due in on the Monday.
The children will always be set something we feel they can complete independently and will usually revisit something we have taught the children during the week's lessons. The children should follow the school's expectations with handwriting and presentation in their homework books. The children will need to complete English homework using a blue handwriting pen and maths homework should be completed using a sharp pencil. On occasion, we may set the children's homework using one of our online learning platforms. This will always be communicated to you and we will make sure all the children can access these beforehand. Any log ons the children need are stuck into the front of their reading journals and homework books. Please contact your child's teacher if you have any difficulties.
If your child is struggling to complete their homework at home, they are able to attend homework club which is run by Mrs Harley on a Thursday after school. This club allows them to discuss the homework, troubleshoot any issues and complete their homework in school without having to take it home. If this is something you think your child will benefit from please contact your class teacher for further information.