Whole School Newsletter / May 2023
Dear Parent/Carer,
Year 6 children have completed their SAT tests. We are very proud of how hard the children have worked. Their results, alongside the end of year reports, will be sent out in July.
The year 6 residential trip to Osmington Bay (Friday 9 – Monday 12 June) is fast approaching. Mr Goodlet will be sending out information to year 6 parents.
Transition day for all year 6 children will be on Friday 30 June. Children will be visiting their new secondary schools on this day. Parents will need to arrange transport for their own child.
The residential trip for our present year 5 children has been booked for Friday 7 – Monday 10 June 2024. Mr Goodlet has already sent out information.
Sports Day
Sports Day will be held on Tuesday 23 May and the weather is set to be fine! All parents are invited to come along and support the event. The main Mudeford Lane gate will be open from 10.15am and the event will finish around 12 o’clock.
Relationship and Sex Education
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) for Years 5 and 6 will take place during the second half of the summer term. Miss McKinley, PSHE Subject Leader, will be giving parents the opportunity to discuss the content that will be shared with the children. Year 5 viewing will take place on Thursday 25 May 5.15pm – 6.15pm – and Year 6 viewing Thursday 25 May 6.15pm – 7.15pm.
School Photographer Visiting – Friday 19 May (Class Photos)
All classes will have the opportunity to have a class photo. We ask that all children come to school wearing their school uniform. If a class has PE on that day the children will need to bring in PE kit to change into after they have had their photo taken.
Sun Protection
As the warmer weather is on its way, we are concerned that the children have adequate protection from the sun especially during the long lunch break. Could you please send the children to school with:
Sun cream Hat Water bottle
We will allow the children to have a drink as often as they need it. Thank you for your support.
Open Evening
There will be an informal open evening for all year groups on Tuesday 27 June, 5.00 – 6.30pm. This is an opportunity for children to bring their parents in to school to look through their work. Teachers will be in attendance.
Wraparound care
The school have continued to actively seek an OFSTED registered provider to offer before school (7.45 – 8.45am) and after school (3.15-6.00pm) care. The Governors of the school would welcome any approach from a provider who can offer this facility. Historically this provision has been subsidised by the school to help facilitate wraparound care.
Holidays in Term Time
Government legislation makes it clear that headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term times unless there are exceptional circumstances. It is extremely unlikely that time out of school for a holiday will be considered exceptional circumstances. As a school we are committed to ensuring that pupils miss as little time as possible.
Dates for your Diary
Friday 19 May - School Photographer Visiting (Class Photos)
Tuesday 23 May – Sports Day for all children 10.30am start. All parents welcome to attend.
Thursday 25 May – Relationship and Sex Education Curriculum information talk for Year 5 parents (5.15- 6.15pm) All Year 5 parents invited to attend
Thursday 25 May - Relationship and Sex Education Curriculum information talk for Year 6 parents (6.15- 7.15pm) All Year 6 parents invited to attend
Monday 29 May - Friday 2nd June - Half term
Thursday 8 June – Town Sports
Friday 9 June – Monday 12th June – Year 6 residential trip to Osmington Bay
Friday 16 June – INSET day
Tuesday 27 June – Parents Evening for all year groups 5.00 – 6.30pm
Wednesday 28 June – Year 4 visit to Ancient Technology Centre, Cranborne
Friday 30 June – Year 6 Transfer day to Secondary schools
Wednesday 19 July - Year 6 Leavers Disco 7.00 – 9.00pm (More information to follow)
Friday 21 July – Break up for the summer holiday
Monday 4 September – Return to school for all children following the summer break
As always, the dates of activities can be found on the school website in the News and Events, Calendar section.
Yours sincerely
M Partridge