Whole School Newsletter June 6 2022
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back after the half term break.
It was lovely to see so many parents and grandparents attend both the sports day and our Jubilee celebrations on the Friday before half term. The dancing from year 3, singing from year 4 and the art galleries from years 5 and 6 made the day a special one and something to remember. Thank you for all the fantastic contributions to the cake sale, we raised £270.51 and all proceeds will be put towards the purchase of a tree which we will plant in the school grounds to support the Queens Green Canopy pledge.
Parents' Evening - Online Appointment Booking for Face to Face Meetings to be held in school
I would like to invite you to attend Parents' Evening in school on Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th June between 4pm and 7pm. Please note 6GB and 6EN only will hold their Evenings on Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd June. This is an important evening which provides you with an opportunity to discuss your child's progress. The school will continue to use the online appointment booking system. It allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointment. Appointments can be made from Monday 23rd May at 7pm and will close at 3pm the day before the Parents' Evening for each year group (Monday 6th June). Please visit https://mudefordjunior.schoolcloud.co.uk/ to book your appointments.
We would advise you to arrive in school 20 minutes before your appointment to allow time for you to look at your child’s work.
Author Visit and Book Fair
During the week of 20th June we will be holding a Book Fair and all the children will have the opportunity to work alongside a visiting author. On Monday 20th June the children can come to school dressed as their favourite book character if they so wish. More details will follow.
Relationships and Sex Education for Years 5 and 6 will take place during this half term. Miss McKinley, PSHE Subject Leader, will be giving parents the opportunity to view the materials that will be shared with the children. Year 5 viewing will take place on Thursday 23rd June at 5.30 – 7.00 pm and Year 6 viewing is Thursday 30th June 5.30 – 7.00pm.
Year 6 Residential Visit
This Friday 10th June we will be taking Year 6 on their residential 4 day trip to Osmington Bay. We are keeping our fingers crossed for good weather!
BCP Secondary School Transfer Day
This will take place on Friday 1st July. Parents will receive information from their relevant secondary schools. On this day parents will be expected to arrange transport for their child to get to their new school.
As always, the dates of activities can be found on the school website in the News and Events, Calendar section.
Kind regards
M Partridge