November Whole School Newsletter
Dear Parent/Carer
Winter seems to have arrived with the strong winds and rain on an almost daily basis. Waterproof coats are certainly needed from now on!
Many congratulations to Mrs Lee on the happy news that she is expecting her first baby in the second half of the spring term.
Year 3 Family Workshops
We would like to invite Year 3 parents to the Year 3 Assembly, How Full Is Your Bucket? - an introduction to Mudeford Junior School’s Family Workshops. To be held on Friday 18th November at 9am (you may come straight to the hall after dropping children off in the playground) it will finish at 10:30 ish.
As well as seeing the children perform, you will also have the chance to do some fun activities with the children in their classroom following the assembly. Refreshments will be provided at the end.
Christmas Fair
Preparations for the Christmas Fair are already in full swing. We are very excited that once again we can run this festive event. The school will be running the Christmas Fair this year on Saturday 26th November 12.00-2.30pm. On Wednesday 9th November all the children will be bringing home an empty cardboard tube which can be filled and then decorated as a cracker and returned to school for sale at the Fair. If you feel you can produce a Christmas cracker, your support would be much appreciated. There will also be two mufti days, Thursday 17th November (chocolate mufti) and Thursday 24th November (bottle mufti) - more details to follow. We look forward to welcoming children, parents and grandparents to the start of the Christmas festivities!
Year 3 and 4 Christmas Performances
We would like to give you early notice that the Year 3 and Year 4 Christmas performances, will be held in the school hall, on Tuesday 6th, Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th December with a 10.00am start. These performances will last no more than one hour if you are required to organise time to attend. Two tickets will be allocated to each family.
We need to know why your child is absent from school. Please telephone (from 8.30am onwards) or email the school office on the first day of absence. In every case a note is required on return to school. It is essential that we are given a reason for every absence as Government legislation requires that we report any unauthorised absence. We may be required on occasions to discuss a particular absence with you and it may be necessary for us to refuse to authorise the absence and record it as unauthorised. We are also required to contact parents if the school has not received a reason for absence.
Please note that the last sessions for the teacher led clubs will be the week beginning Monday 28th November. There will be no teacher led clubs after Friday 2nd December. Clubs will resume on Monday 16th January 2023.
Dates for your Diary and INSET days
Wednesday 9th November – Christmas Crackers go out
Thursday 17th November – Chocolate Mufti Day
Friday 18th November – Year 3 Family Workshops
Monday 21st November – Year 6 National Child Measuring Programme
Thursday 24th November –Bottle Mufti Day
Friday 25th November – INSET Day
Saturday 26th November – Christmas Fair 12.00-2.30pm
Week beginning Monday 28th November – Last session for teacher led clubs
Thursday 1st December – All Year 5 Clarinet performance 2.50am
Monday 5th December – Rocksteady performance – invites to parents of band members 10.00am
Monday 5th December – last swimming session for year 3
Tuesday 6th, Wednesday 7th, Thursday 8th December – Years 3 and 4 Christmas Performances, 10.00am
Monday 12th December – Year 5 visit to Winchester Science Centre
Tuesday 3rd January 2023 – Children return to school
Friday 6th January – Pantomime for all children – Beauty and the Beast
Friday 27th January 2023 – INSET Day
Friday 16th June 2023 – INSET Day
Yours sincerely
M Partridge