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Mudeford JuniorSchool

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Year 6 Transition to Highcliffe Secondary School - Virtual Open Evening

24th September 2020 


Click here to view PDF from Highcliffe School


Dear Year 6 Parents/Carers and Pupils, 


Re: Virtual Open Evening 


Thank you for your interest in Highcliffe School.  Owing to the Covid-19 situation and especially the current ‘Rule of Six’ we are not running our normal information programme for Year 6. This means we are not holding a face-to-face Open Evening on site, or parent tours of the school during the school day, or our rota of visits by Year 6 classes to the school, to protect our ‘bubbles’.  Under the current restrictions we have also agreed with primary schools that it is not appropriate to organise visits by our staff or students to their schools, in order to protect their ‘bubbles’. 


However, we know that our Open Evening – which typically now attracts around 1100 visitors annually – is a popular event which your feedback tells us is highly regarded in the community and gives a useful insight to Highcliffe School. 


I am pleased to inform you we will be hosting a Virtual Opening Evening online from 6pm to 8pm on Thursday 22nd October 2020 which will, as far as possible, enable online visitors to: 

  • ‘Explore’ the school on a personal tour, dropping into subjects, talks or certain school events 
  • Be ‘introduced’ to many staff members 
  • Learn about the subjects taught at Highcliffe and the careers they may lead to 
  • Hear from students their reasons for choosing Highcliffe School and their experiences here 
  • Learn about our Year Team system and pastoral care 
  • Learn about our provision for SEND, Pupil Premium and Gifted and Talented students including our Oxford and Cambridge University, Medics and Law preparation programmes and STEM (Science, Technology Engineering and Maths) programme 
  • Learn about how admissions, catering and school transport work 
  • Learn about the amazing programme of extra-curricular activities, trips and visits on offer 
  • Hear a talk from the Headteacher and other senior staff about the values and ethos of the school 
  • Leave questions in a FAQ forum which staff will endeavour to answer for you 


Virtual Open Evening will be accessible from  No special equipment or software is required to participate, nor do you need to register to attend.  Any internet-enabled PC, Apple computer, laptop, tablet, Android or IoS smartphone or a smart TV with an internet browser should be suitable.   


Parents, you can also follow us on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter social media feeds. 


Yours sincerely 


Patrick Earnshaw 

