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Mudeford JuniorSchool

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Mudeford JuniorSchool

House Points

House points

  • Red 1021
  • Blue 1076
  • Yellow 935
  • Green 1003

E-Safety Superhero Competition

Thank you for all the amazing E-safety competition entries. We were really impressed by the very high quality of the entries this year. There were some really imaginative E-safety Superheroes with some great E-safety messages. Some of the Digital leaders have been judging the entries and together we have decided on a 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prize in each year group. Everyone who entered will receive a merit and prizes/certificates for 1st, 2nd and 3rd can be collected from class teachers next week. (Surnames have been left off for safety reasons) 


1st PRIZE-Poppy

Hacker Hunter: Protect your device from hackers getting private information. Create a hard password with a mixture of capitals, numbers and symbols to stop the hack masters hacking!

2nd PRIZE-Luca

Detail Protector: Protect all your details online. Check and check again!

3rd PRIZE-Declan  

Captain Duper Blocker: When someone get a message from a stranger, tell and adult and BLOCK them.



1st PRIZE – Chanel

Lucky Superhero- Don’t be a cyber bully. Always be respectful to everyone. Always be kind to everyone online. Keep passwords to yourself. Don’t send photos and personal information. Everyone has the right to enjoy the internet and have fun!

2nd PRIZE- Myah

Gadget Girl: Be careful on your electronics and don’t post any personal information on the internet.

3rd PRIZE – Freddie

Sergeant Stretch- Stretch your password across the screen. You can’t go wrong if your password is long and strong!



1st PRIZE - Marley and Isabelle

Cryptic Crusader: Lets beat the hackers- mix it up and keep it strong like me! (Marley)

Supersafe Stanley: Keep personal private!
