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Mudeford JuniorSchool

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Mudeford JuniorSchool

House Points

House points

  • Red 1021
  • Blue 1076
  • Yellow 935
  • Green 1003


Reading Journal Examples

We hope you have seen your child’s Reading Journal which is a continuation from the Lower Juniors. However, the layout of the journal has changed due to the length of the texts the children are encouraged to read. (see above for example) Inside the Year 5 section are some helpful hints on how you may help your child complete their journal.


 At Mudeford our children have a wide range of opportunities to read in school – individual reading to an adult, paired reading, guided reading in a group, independent reading, reading a range of genres, reading linked to other subjects taught in school.  We really value reading and the skills associated with reading.


With regards to homework we believe a 'little and often' approach works well. We recommend 10 minutes most days. 


Please don't underestimate the power of your child reading to you and you reading to your child.  Please ask your child questions about what they have read to help their understanding.


Like the lower juniors, the children are required to have two adult signatures per week to let us know your child completed some reading homework with an adult.


Reading Journals will be collected in for marking EVERY TUESDAY.  In the Uppers, we encourage the children to become more independent with their home learning and therefore ask that they complete their own entries into their reading journals in blue handwriting pen or pencil.  Please feel free to write comments in the Reading Journal, preferably in blue pen or pencil if you would like to comment.  If the children fail to have their Reading Journal in school or have forgotten to get their homework signed the children will miss 5 minutes of their R and R time.  Those children who repeatedly do not have homework completed will be asked to complete it in their own time (as per school behaviour policy).


All of the children have access to a library book which is their reading for pleasure book.  Library books can be changed once a week (Tuesday 5BN,  Friday 5AD). In addition, some children will have an book given to them by their teacher which is linked to their reading age.  Please encourage your child to read this to you at home. 


At the back of their reading journal, your child will have a list of reading journal activities they can chose from to complete.  As the books the children read in Y5 and 6 are significantly longer than the lower juniors, it is expected that they complete a task every other week.  Some children may chose to complete one every week which is absolutely fine with us. smiley


We always enjoy looking at the children's reading journals and seeing their passion for the texts that they have read.  It is always a challenge choosing Reading Journal of the Week due to the high standard of Journals! smiley  If your journal is selected it will be placed on display in the classroom on the Reader's Workshop display as well as in the Upper Junior Area Hall of Fame.

