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Mudeford JuniorSchool

School Logo

Mudeford JuniorSchool

House Points

House points

  • Red 500
  • Blue 1000
  • Yellow 750
  • Green 250

Year 3 Swimming Information.

Dear Parents,


Swimming lessons for Year 3 children begin on Monday 11th September. They will take place at Two Riversmeet Leisure Centre, on the dates listed below. The children are transported to and from the centre on a private coach.


The children must arrive at school promptly as 3BR leave school at 8.45am and 3TN at 9:15am. Both classes will be back at school by 11:00am.
In the first session the children will be grouped according to their swimming ability. Each week they will then be taught in groups by professional coaches, according to the National Curriculum requirements.


The children will require a one-piece swimming costume or trunks, a towel, a swimming cap (for any hair that is long enough to be tied up) and goggles. Please can the children bring their swimming kit in a suitable named bag and wear their normal uniform to school. Any long hair must be tied up and should be covered with a swimming cap. No earrings should be worn on a Monday. It is helpful if the children can already be wearing their costume under their uniform, with underwear in their swimming bag as this helps with quicker changing!


The children are given 10 lessons of 35 – 40 minutes each.  The cost for swimming in the is £30.00This contribution can be paid on line using ParentMail and allows parents to pay in varying amounts or instalments if you prefer during the term, building up to the £30 total. You can also pay by cash or cheque in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and class clearly marked, any cheques to be made payable to Mudeford Junior School.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Autumn Term Swimming Dates:

11th September                   18th September                        25th September

2nd October                       9th October               16th October

30th October                       6th November             13th November

20th November     


On the children’s PE day, please could they come into school wearing their full PE kit.


3TN have PE on Wednesdays and 3BR have PE on Fridays.


PE and Sport at Mudeford Junior School                                        

On PE days your child can come into school wearing the school PE Kit as follows:

  • Navy t-shirt (with the Mudeford logo on) or plain white t-shirt.
  • Tracksuit bottoms (plain black or navy blue).
  • Black shorts.
  • They may wear their shorts underneath their track suit bottoms which may be taken off during the day.
  • Mudeford Junior sweatshirts should be worn during the winter months rather than any other sweatshirts or hoodies.
  • Sensible trainers
  • Football kit is not to be worn to school.


  • Long hair (both boys and girls) will need to be tied up for PE and Games lessons for Health and Safety reasons. Please make sure your child has their hair tied back on these days before coming to school or that they have a hair bobble in their bag.


  • If your child has their ear/s pierced then their earring/s need to be removed before PE lessons.  If they cannot be removed, they will need to be taped up before the lesson.


Many thanks,

The Year 3 Team
