Whole School Newsletter September 2024
Dear Parent/Carer 3 September 2024
Welcome back, I hope you had a great summer. It has been lovely to see the children back in school this week, looking very smart in their school uniform. Please note the school gates will be open in the morning at 8.35am with the classes being lined up from 8.40am.
Pupil Spaces in Year 3
Due to falling birth rates the numbers of children being schooled in the whole of Christchurch is declining. This fall is estimated to be around 13% less children entering reception classes this year. Our Year 3 has a few spaces which are available. Please share this information with Year 3 parents who may be interested in joining our community.
PE and Sport at Mudeford Junior School
On the two PE days your child can come into school wearing the school PE Kit as follows:
- Plain navy t-shirt or plain white t-shirt. Or alternatively, plain navy T-Shirt with the Mudeford logo on.
- Tracksuit bottoms (plain black or navy blue).
- Black or navy shorts.
- They may wear their shorts underneath their track suit bottoms which may be taken off during the day.
- Mudeford Junior sweatshirts should be worn during the winter months rather than any other sweatshirts or hoodies.
- Sensible trainers
- Football kit is not to be worn to school.
- Long hair (both boys and girls) will need to be tied up for PE and Games lessons for Health and Safety reasons. Please make sure your child has their hair tied back on these days before coming to school or that they have a hair bobble in their bag.
- We do not allow colouring of hair
- If your child has their ear/s pierced then their earring/s need to be removed before PE lessons. If they cannot be removed, they will need to be taped up before the lesson.
Watches/ Bracelets:
- All watches (including Fit Bit style watches) are to be removed during PE lessons for Health and Safety reasons.
- Other forms of jewellery including wrist bands and bracelets are not allowed in school (see School Uniform policy).
Class PE Day
3HY Swimming will take place on Mondays throughout the Autumn term. Swimming will commence on Monday 16th September for 10 consecutive weeks. Games lessons will be on Fridays
3TN Swimming will take place on Mondays throughout the Autumn term. Swimming will commence on Monday 16th September for 10 consecutive weeks. Games lessons will be on Tuesdays
4WA Games lessons will be on Tuesday and Fridays
4MR Games lessons will be on Monday and Tuesdays
5TA Games lessons will be on Monday and Fridays
5GD Games lessons will be on Wednesdays and Fridays
6LD Games lessons will be on Tuesday and Wednesdays
6GB Games lessons will be on Mondays and Fridays
Hot School Lunches
Hot meal service will begin for all year groups on Monday 9th September and you will be able to order these on Iris ParentMail from Tuesday 3rd September. If you have any problems registering with ParentMail, please contact the office 01202 473217.
Free School Meal - Financial Support for School Meals
Parents who receive Income Support or Income Based Job Seekers Allowance or Child Tax Credit AND NOT Working Tax Credit AND an assessed annual income not exceeding £16190 are entitled to free school meals and clothing grant. Further details and application forms are available from the school or the Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole Council website . All applications are treated in strict confidence.
School Disco
The school disco has been booked for Wednesday 11th September. All children are invited for their year appropriate disco.
Tickets will be £3.00 each and include a drink and packet of crisps. Tickets will be on sale on Monday 9th September and Tuesday 10th September after school on the years 5 and 6 playground.
Year 3 and 4 Disco 5.00 – 6.30pm.
Year 5 and 6 Disco 6.45 - 8.15pm.
Friday Morning Cardio Tennis, Health and Wellbeing Session for Parents
As it was so popular last year, Cardio tennis for parents will begin again on Friday 13th September 8:50am 9.50am. All Parents of Mudeford Junior School children are welcome. Ally and Adam will be offering a fun morning of cardio tennis, fitness and fun for parents. Enjoy a morning of great activities in a fun, friendly environment, all abilities welcome for an inclusive session. These sessions will be FREE of charge – just turn up on the day if you want to participate in any of these sessions.
After School Clubs
Teacher led school clubs will begin again on week beginning Monday 16th September and finishing during the week ending Friday 6th December. There will no clubs held during the week beginning 21st October as this is parents evening week. Information to follow. Outside providers such as TeamTheme and Harry Lund Tennis will be sending out further information.
We need to know why your child is absent from school. Please telephone (from 8.30am onwards) or email the school office office@mudefordjs.co.uk on the first day of absence. In every case a note is required on return to school. It is essential that we are given a reason for every absence as Government legislation requires that we report any unauthorised absence. We may be required on occasions to discuss a particular absence with you and it may be necessary for us to refuse to authorise the absence and record it as unauthorised. We are also required to contact parents if the school has not received a reason for absence.
Dates for your Diary and INSET days
All dates for the term can be found on the school website in the school calendar section.
Wednesday 11 September - School Disco
Monday 16 September – Swimming starts for year 3 (further information to follow)
Monday 16 September – Teacher led after school clubs begin
Friday 20 September 2024 - INSET day
Thursday 26 September Year 4 Bikeability (Cycling safety sessions)
Wednesday 2 October Year 4 Bikeability (Cycling safety sessions)
Thursday 3 October – Life Space Education visiting our school. They will be educating the children in all year groups, about making healthy life choices as part of the schools PSHE Policy - which can be found on the school website.
Friday 4 October – Life Space Education visiting our school
Friday 11 October 2024 - INSET day
Thursday 17 October – School Photographer Individual Photos
Monday 21 October – Friday 25 October No teacher led after school clubs this week
Tuesday 22 October – Parent’s Evening 4.00 – 7.00pm
Wednesday 23 October – Parent’s Evening 4.00 -7.00pm
Monday 28 October – Friday 1 November – Half term
Monday 25 November – Last swimming session for Year 3 children
Friday 29 November 2024 - INSET day
Saturday 30 November 2024 – Christmas Fair (12.00 – 2.00pm)
Tuesday 17 December – Year 5 trip to Winchester Science Centre
Friday 20 December – Last day of term
Monday 6 January 2025 – Return to school
Friday 31 January 2025 - INSET day
Friday 6 June – Monday 9 June 2025 - Year 6 Residential Trip to Osmington Bay
Kind regards
Mr Partridge