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Mudeford JuniorSchool

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Mudeford JuniorSchool

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  • Red 1021
  • Blue 1076
  • Yellow 935
  • Green 1003

Whole School Newsletter November 2023

Dear Parent/Carer                                                                                                                                                    


Preparations for the festive season have begun in school. Arrangements for the Christmas Fair and the year 3 and 4 Christmas performances are underway.  The fantastic response to the chocolate Mufti Day and the generous donation of chocolate is greatly appreciated, thank you.


Christmas Fair


We have had some amazing prizes already donated to the Grand Draw. A single book of raffle tickets will be coming home to you on Friday 17th November. Further books can be obtained from the school office any time up to the day of the Fair and you will also be able to purchase them on Saturday 25th November at the Christmas Fair itself.  


We look forward to welcoming children, parents, grandparents on


CHRISTMAS FAIR -  Saturday 25th November 12.00-2.00pm. 


Year 3 and 4 Christmas Performances


We would like to give you early notice that the Year 3 and Year 4 Christmas performances, will be held in the school hall, on Tuesday 5th, Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th December with a 10.00am start. These performances will last no more than one hour if you are required to organise time to attend. Two tickets will be allocated to each family. Ticket information will be sent out shortly – the two tickets for each family (on the preferred date) will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.  There will be a limit of 80 seats allocated to parents per performance. We ask that younger siblings do not attend, as the capacity is limited and children should not be sat on the lap of an adult.


Friday 15th December 


Christmas lunch and Christmas Jumper Day – children to enjoy a traditional Christmas lunch and are invited to wear Christmas jumpers to school.  School will finish at the normal time of 3.15pm.


PSHE Curriculum Overview 


Years 3,4,5 curriculum overview for parents/carers - Wednesday 8th November at 5.00pm. An opportunity for parents/carers of children in years 3,4 and 5 to hear about the progressive and comprehensive PSHE curriculum and what our children will be learning throughout the years.


Year 3 Family Assembly on Friday 17th November -


Year 3 Parents Invited for 9am start.  The children look forward to inviting their parents to the Year 3 Family Assembly on Friday 17th November. The children will perform a short play about worries and feelings and then following this, the children will invite their parents to take part in a range of activities in the Lower Junior area. The parents will also have the opportunity to sign up for the Family Workshops which will take place in January.


Year 5 Clarinet Performance


The year 5 children have been learning the clarinet and would like to show their parents their skills in a short performance lasting no longer than 30 minutes, at 11.30am on Thursday 30th November.  We hope you can join us!


After School Teacher led Clubs


Please note that the last sessions for the teacher led clubs will be the week beginning Monday 27th November.  There will be no teacher led clubs after Friday 1st December.  Teacher led clubs will resume on Monday 15th January 2024.


Opportunities for parents


First Aid session for parents – Friday 9th February 2024. This session will be offered to parents free of charge.  First Aid has been taught already to the children in years 4 and 6 this year.  Mudeford Junior School is keen to promote First Aid awareness in the community.  More information will be sent nearer the time


Friday Morning Cardio Tennis, Health and Wellbeing Session for Parents continues for the rest of the term 8:50am-10:00am. All Parents of Mudeford Junior School children are welcome. Ally and Adam will be offering a fun session of cardio tennis, fitness and fun for parents. Enjoy a morning of great activities in a fun, friendly environment, all abilities welcome for an inclusive session. These sessions will be FREE of charge – just turn up on the day if you want to participate.


Dates for your Diary and INSET days


All dates for the term can be found on the school website in the school calendar section.  INSET days are as follows:


Friday 24th November 2023

Friday 26th January 2024

Friday 14th June 2024


Additional dates:


Wednesday 8th November – PSHE information session for parents of year 3,4,5 children 5.00pm

Friday 17th November – Year 3 Family Workshop – 9am.

Monday 20th November – last swimming session for Year 3

Saturday 25th November – Christmas Fair 12.00-2.00pm

Week Beginning 27th November – Teacher led after school clubs finish this week

Thursday 30th November – Clarinet Performance for Year 5 Parents

Tuesday 5th, Wednesday 6th, Thursday 7th December – Years 3 and 4 Christmas Performances, 10.00am

Friday 8th December – Year 5 visit to Winchester Science Centre

Friday 15th December – Christmas dinner and Christmas jumper day. Last day of the autumn term

Tuesday 2nd January 2024 – Children return to school following the Christmas break

Week beginning 15th January 2024 – Teacher led after school clubs begin for the spring term

Monday 13th May 2024 – SATs week

Friday 7th – Monday 10th June 2024 – Year 6 Residential trip to Osmington Bay

Friday 28th June 2024 – Year 6 children Secondary school transfer day


Yours sincerely


M Partridge

