Whole School Newsletter May 16 2022
Dear Parents/Carers
16 May 2022
The clerk to the governors has informed me of the election result for parent governor:
Mr Richard Mayer, has been reappointed as parent governor with immediate effect.
If any other parents are interested in joining the governing body, please don’t hesitate to contact the Chair or the Clerk to the governors. Mrs Karen Smith, our Chair of Governors will be sending out a flyer regarding becoming a school governor and the key role that they play in the strategic leadership of the school.
Chair: Karen Smith karen.smith@mudefordjs.co.uk
Clerk: Louise Instone louise.instone@judicium.com
Year 6
Year 6 children have completed their SAT tests. We are very proud of how hard the children have worked. Their results, alongside the end of year reports, will be sent out in July.
Transition day for all year 6 children will be on Friday 1 July. Children will be visiting their new secondary schools on this day.
The year 6 residential trip to Osmington Bay (Friday 10 – Monday 13 June) is fast approaching. Mr Goodlet will be sending out information to year 6 parents.
The residential trip for our present year 5 children has been booked for Friday 9 – Monday 12 June 2023.
The dates of activities can be found on the school website in the News and Events, Calendar section. The summer term is always extremely busy in school with lots going on.
School Disco – We are looking forward to the disco on Friday. Tickets can still be purchased from the school office.
Year 3 and 4 Disco will be taking place on Friday 20 May, 5.30 – 7.00pm.
Year 5 Disco Friday 20 May 7.20-8.50pm.
Year 6 Disco will be held on Tuesday 19 July 7.00 - 9.00pm (Leavers Disco)
Sports Day
Hopefully the good weather will continue for Sports Day which is due to be held on Tuesday 24 May at 10.30am, lasting approx. 1 hour 40 minutes. The weather forecast looks promising at this time. All parents are invited to come along and support the event. The main Mudeford Lane gate will be open from 10.15am.
Kind regards
M Partridge - Headteacher