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Mudeford JuniorSchool

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Mudeford JuniorSchool

House Points

House points

  • Red 1021
  • Blue 1076
  • Yellow 935
  • Green 1003

Whole School Newsletter June 2019

Sports Day

We would like to remind you that Sports Day will be held on Friday 7 June, starting at 1.10pm.  The gates will be open at 1.00 pm when there will be an opportunity to have refreshments before the sports begin.    Please remember that the school has a no smoking and no dogs policy for the whole school site.  Children are encouraged to wear a coloured T-shirt (not a football top) representing the colour of their team.  In case of bad weather, the decision to cancel will be made by 11.30am and posted on the school website. The reserve Sports Day will be Thursday 13th June, same timings.


Multi use games area (MUGA) and outdoor gym equipment

Over the last few months you will have noticed the construction of the MUGA and gym equipment.  These resources will help add to the sporting opportunities that the school offers.  This ambitious project has been entirely funded through donations and grants from the following outside agencies, to whom we are extremely grateful: The Friends of Mudeford Junior School, Talbot Village Trust, Christchurch Rotary Club, The Lawn Tennis Association, Children’s Services Dorset Council and Public Health Dorset.


Playground Supervision

There is no supervision on the playgrounds before 8.35 am and we ask that children arrive at school between 8.35 and 8.45 am.  At the end of the school day, please ensure that children are supervised if they are playing on the trim trail and gym equipment thus ensuring their safety at all times.  We also ask that there is no cycling or scooting in the school grounds.


Sun Protection

As the warmer weather is on its way, we are concerned that the children have adequate protection from the sun especially during the long lunch break.  Could you please send the children to school with:

 Sun cream                            Hat                                       Water bottle

We will allow the children to have a drink as often as they need it.  Thank you for your support.


Holidays in Term Time 

Government legislation makes it clear that headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term times unless there are exceptional circumstances.  It is extremely unlikely that time out of school for a holiday will be considered exceptional circumstances.  As a school we are committed to ensuring that pupils miss as little time as possible.


Medication in School

As the hayfever season is upon us we are receiving lots of medication for use at lunchtimes.  Please remember all medication must be kept in the office, not in the children’s bags, should be labelled clearly with the pupil’s name and an adult is required to have completed a form giving us instructions for administration.


Dress Code        

We are finding more children are wearing jewellery to school.  As part of the school’s health and safety policy the children are not allowed to wear rings, wristbands or friendship bracelets, necklaces or ear-rings.  Children are allowed to wear ear studs but they must be taped up for PE and games.  Nail varnish should not be worn.  Please can we remind you that boots should not be worn to school and the children should be wearing plain white, grey or navy socks. Can we also remind you that plain black leather style shoes are to be worn.  Black trainers or running shoes are not acceptable.


Year 5 and 6 Parents Meeting re Health and Relationships Education

The meeting will take place on Monday 10 June at 5.00 – 7.00 pm. This is an opportunity for Year 5 and Year 6 parents to view the material that will be used during the health and relationship education lessons.


Year 5 Parents workshop on secondary school applications for September 2020.

Carly Williams from Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council will be informing the Year 5 parents about applications and admissions for secondary school placements in September 2020. (18:00 – 19:00)


Open Evening

There will be an informal open evening for years 3,4 and 6 on Wednesday 10 July between 5.15 and 6.45 pm.  This is an opportunity for children to bring their parents in to school to look through their work.  Teachers will be in attendance. 


Safety in the School Car Park

The school car park is a very busy place. We have allocated a section of the car park for visitor parking where children can be collected and dropped off.

In order to safeguard the safety of the children please do not:

•     drive into the staff car park to drop off children.

•     allow the children to cross the car park, insist that they use the pavements

•      use the school drive in order to turn around

•      obstruct the main green gates restricting access for emergency vehicles



If you bring or collect your child by car, please only park on the school side of Mudeford Lane and never stop on the raised area opposite the gate to allow children crossing the road to have a clear view either way.  Neighbours have also requested that driveways and garages are not blocked when collecting your child.  If you are collecting from the Nelson Drive gate, please be considerate when parking and do not obstruct this pedestrian gate. Dropping off or parking on zig-zag lines also places our children at risk.


Summer Term Dates

Friday 7 June                Sports Day 1.10 pm start

Monday 10 June         Health and Relationships viewing for Year 5 and 6 parents 5.00 pm – 7.00 pm

Thursday 13 June       Reserve Sports Day

Friday 14 June            Staff Training Day

Friday 21 June            Year 6 Osmington Bay trip

Monday 24 June        Year 6 return from Osmington Bay approx. 3.45 Monday 24 June – 5 July       Years 3, 4, 5 SATs tests

Friday 28 June             Year 5 trip to Carey Camp

Wednesday 3 July      Year 6 Secondary school transition day

Wednesday 10 July   Parent Evening 5.15-6.45 pm (Years 3,4 and 6)

Friday 19 July             Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly 10 am 

Friday 19 July              Leavers’ Disco (7.00 – 9.00pm)

Tuesday 23 July           Break up for Summer Holiday 3.15 pm

Monday 2 September          Autumn Term begins


Autumn Term Dates

Monday 2 September – Friday 20 December 2019

Half term October 28 – November 1 2019


Spring Term Dates

Monday 6 January 2020 – Friday 3 April 2020

Half term 17 – 21 February 2020


Summer Term Dates

Monday 20 April – Friday 17 July 2020

Half term 25 – 29 May 2020


Inset days

Friday 20 September 2019

Friday 11 October 2019

Friday 22 November 2019

Monday 22 June 2020
