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Mudeford JuniorSchool

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Mudeford JuniorSchool

House Points

House points

  • Red 1021
  • Blue 1076
  • Yellow 935
  • Green 1003

Whole School Newsletter April (April 26)

Dear Parents/Carers


Welcome back to the summer term. What lovely weather we had over the Easter break!


We are so proud of the children’s efforts in all aspects of their learning.  They have been working hard individually to earn merits but have also been contributing to their House Team Points through academic success, sporting achievements and team events.


The winning team for the spring term was the Blue (Curlews Team).  As a reward, the children in the Blue Team will have a team mufti day on Tuesday 3 May when they will be able to come to school in their team colour.  This could be a blue cap, socks, item of clothing or a full blue outfit!  If your class has PE on Tuesday, children can undertake PE in their mufti along with suitable footwear.

Children in all of the other teams are expected to wear school uniform as usual.


Sports Day

Hopefully the good weather will continue throughout this half term with Sports Day for all groups being held on Tuesday 24 May at 10.30am, lasting approx. 1 hour 40 minutes. All parents are invited to come along and support the event.


School Disco

Discos have been booked for the summer term. All children will be invited for their year appropriate disco.

Year 3 and 4 Disco will be taking place on Friday 20 May, 5.30 – 7.00pm. 

Year 5 Disco  Friday 20 May 7.20-8.50pm.

Year 6 Disco will be held on Tuesday 19 July 7.00 - 9.00pm (Leavers Disco)


Parents’ Evenings

We are planning to hold face to face Parents’ Evenings during the second half of the summer term.  Parents will be invited to book a 10 minute slot to discuss their child’s progress and share their work from the school year.

Years 3,4,5 on Tuesday 7 and Wednesday 8 June. 

Year 6, Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 June.



Letters will be coming out this week to Year 6 for Bikeability Level 3. Year 6 will have the opportunity to learn about road safety and develop their riding skills on the roads around the school. Level 3 is on local roads – for children in year 6 and above. This course will cover roundabouts, traffic lights and busier roads.


School Council

The School Council have met and have put forward their ideas for the creation of an exercise circuit around the school grounds. The council will now be deciding between three bids from design companies who will be tendering their ideas.

On Wednesday 27 April the School Council will be meeting with HC3S, our hot lunch provider, to taste samples and give feedback on the new lunchtime menu.


Kind regards


M Partridge - Headteacher
