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Mudeford JuniorSchool

School Logo

Mudeford JuniorSchool

House Points

House points

  • Red 1021
  • Blue 1076
  • Yellow 935
  • Green 1003

Whole School Newsletter 9 December 2022

Dear Parents/Carers


The last few weeks in school have been very special. Christmas festivities have begun with the Christmas Fair and Year 3 and 4 performances already completed. I have been incredibly proud of the Year 3 and 4 children, the quality of the Christmas performances this year have been of such a high standard showcasing the talents of all the children involved. It was lovely to see so many parents attend both the performances and the Christmas Fair, where your amazing support raised over £4000 profit to benefit the children in the school.


Christmas arrangements


Festive activities will be taking place throughout the week.


There will be Christmas parties for each year group during the school day.


Party days

Year 3 - Monday 12th December

Year 4 – Tuesday 13th December

Year 5 – Wednesday 14th December

Year 6 - Thursday 15th December


On party day, the children are invited to come in to school wearing mufti for the whole day. The children will be taking part in games, both indoors and outdoors, so will need practical clothing and a pair of trainers to run in.


Mr Moody, Christchurch Sports Partnership, will be working with each class during the last week of term to instruct them how to correctly use the gym equipment and newly installed exercise trail around the perimeter of the field.


In addition to children wearing mufti on the day of their party, we also invite the children to wear a Christmas jumper into school on the last day of term (Friday 16th). On this day we are also offering a hot Christmas dinner with all the trimmings. You should have reserved your dinner via ParentMail already. Please contact the office if you have any queries.


On the last day of term, Friday 16th December, we invite children to bring in games to play, (no tablets or lap tops please.)


School will finish at the usual time for each class on Friday 16th December and we return on Tuesday 3rd January 2023.


Dates for next term can be found under the Calendar section on the school website.


These include: M & M Productions, who tour the country, will be bringing us their version of Beauty and the Beast in the new year - “Oh yes they will!” on Friday 6th January.


Week beginning Monday 16th January where teacher led after school clubs will begin for the term (please note there will be no teacher led clubs during the week beginning Monday 6th February as there will be parents’ evenings this week.)


May I take this opportunity to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year.


Best wishes


M Partridge

