Whole School March Newsletter 2021
Dear Parents,
The school councillors at Mudeford Junior School unanimously voted to hold a non-uniform day in school on Friday 25th March to raise money and support the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. For the non-uniform day, the councillors asked the children to dress in yellow and blue, the colours of the Ukrainian flag, to show solidarity and to make a donation to UNICEF to help them undertake emergency work in Ukraine. The School Council would like to thank everyone for their support and donations which raised the fantastic sum of £793.33 which has been sent to UNICEF.
At Mudeford Junior School we promote a broad and balanced curriculum. Before half term the children learnt about community and global issues during Community Cohesion Week with various outside agencies, speakers and trips off site. Topics covered included, recognising and appreciating diversity within the community, the global recycling and sustainability issue and the importance of health and mental wellbeing.
School Trips
Year 3 Historical Study of the Iron Age
Year 3 will be visiting Hengistbury Head as part of the National Curriculum Historical Study focussed on the Iron Age on Friday 1st April. On this trip Year 3 will be learning how we can learn about British history. Following their visit the children will be able to create a picture of what people were doing and what the headland looked like thousands of years ago.
Year 4 Historical Study Ancient Technology Centre, Cranborne
We are delighted to have the opportunity for Year 4 to visit the Ancient Technology Centre in Cranborne. The Centre delivers an authentic, hands on experience for the children, bringing to life all the different periods the children have studied during Year 3 and 4; the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages, the Romans, Anglo Saxons and Vikings. The children will be able to explore reconstructed buildings of the times and will take part in skills and crafts, such as blacksmithing, felt making and willow weaving, following processes that have remained unchanged for thousands of years. Both Year 4 classes will be visiting the Ancient Technology Centre on Thursday 19th May 2022.
Year 5 Trip to Winchester Science Centre
We are really excited that we have booked to take Year 5 for a brilliant, action-packed trip to Winchester Science Centre on Tuesday 5 July 2022. Winchester Science Centre is an interactive science and technology centre with the largest standalone planetarium in the UK. The children will have the opportunity to take part in exciting hands-on science experiences and workshops on the theme of Space.
Year 6 Residential Trip
Our Year 6 residential visit to PGL Osmington Bay outdoor education centre will be between Friday 10 June and Monday 13 June 2022. The residential includes a full programme of activities led by qualified staff and has included in the past, abseiling, climbing, raft building, rifle shooting, zip wire and giant swing. The balance of the full cost is due by Friday 1st April 2022.
Upcoming events
Monday 4th April - Swimming for year 3 concludes on, this being the last of 20 sessions for year 3.
Next Thursday 7th April, we will be having our Easter Egg Hunt (orienteering activity). The children will ‘eggsplore’ the school field to find the symbols hidden on the eggs. Once they have found the symbols they then need to crack the code working as a team. It will be a scramble to the finish to win an Easter egg. Every child will receive a chocolate egg for taking part.
Sports Day will be held on Tuesday 24th May. We are anticipating that parents will be invited to attend and support the event.
Discos have been booked for the summer term. All children will be invited for their year appropriate disco.
School Discos
Year 3 and 4 Disco will be taking place on Friday 20th May, 5.30 – 7.00pm.
Year 5 Disco , Friday 20th May 7.20-8.50pm.
Year 6 Disco will be held on Tuesday 19th July 7.00 - 9.00pm (Leavers Disco)
Parents’ Evenings
We are planning to hold face to face Parents’ Evenings during the second half of the summer term. Parents will be invited to book a 10 minute slot to discuss their child’s progress and share their work from the school year.
Years 3,4,5 on Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th June.
Year 6, Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd June.
The School Council are undertaking an ambitious project and will be meeting several representatives from various sports equipment and design companies with the aim of creating and installing a ‘Daily Mile’ circuit around the school grounds.
As school life slowly returns to normal, it is our hope to re-establish the PTA over the next few months. If you would be interested in supporting the school in fundraising and organising events, please let the school office know.
Kindest regards
Mark Partridge