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Mudeford JuniorSchool

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Mudeford JuniorSchool

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  • Red 1021
  • Blue 1076
  • Yellow 935
  • Green 1003

September Whole School Newsletter

                                                                                                                                   10 September 2021

Dear Parents / Carers,


I’m extremely pleased at how the children have settled back into school. The school has planned for the full re-implementation of the National Curriculum, details of which can be found on the school website (Curriculum Section). Year group newsletters will be sent to parents over the next two weeks with details of the learning within each year group.


Dates for the term, visitors coming into school and trips can all be found on the calendar on the school website.  At present these include dates for swimming for Year 3, free Bikeability sessions for Year 4, both Year 6 trips to Osmington Bay and Hengistbury Head and the visit from Coram Life Education who will be educating all year groups about healthy living.


Our hot school meal service will be resuming from Tuesday 14 September.  Orders can be made in advance on a weekly basis through the form on ParentMail.


Parents who receive Income Support or Income Based Job Seekers Allowance or Child Tax Credit AND NOT Working Tax Credit AND an assessed annual income not exceeding £16190 are entitled to free school meals and clothing grant. Further details are available from the school or by telephoning the Free School Meals team on 01202 123222 or email


You will have received information from Teamtheme and Harry Lund Tennis after school clubs.  We highly value the opportunity for the children to take part in sporting activities after school.  Alongside these seven sessions, teachers will be leading further after school clubs.


School Governors have a very important role helping the school run effectively – they don’t get involved in the day to day running of the school, instead supporting and challenging the school’s leadership team to drive school improvement.  Governors usually attend around six meetings a year.  Being a School Governor is a commitment and responsibility but offers you the chance to see first-hand the impact you can have in improving education for the children in your community.  If you are passionate about your child’s education and would like to help support the school, please contact the school office for more information.


We would like to remind parents that any child showing symptoms of Covid should not be coming into school and ask you to contact the school office on the first day of absence, as with any other absence


Dates for your diary:


Thursday 2 September - Return to school for the autumn term. Lining up from 8.40am.

Monday 13 September – INSET DAY

Monday 13 September – Year 4 children will be invited to undertake Bikeability Level 1

Tuesday 14 September – Hot Meal Service begins

Friday 17 September – Osmington Bay 2nd deposit due £40

Monday 20 September – Swimming (Year 3 only) is scheduled to begin

Monday 20 September and Tuesday 21 September - Coram Life Education visiting all year groups (previously known as Wessex Lifebus)

Wednesday 22 September – Friday 24 September – Dorset Road Safety visiting Years 4, 5 & 6

Tuesday 28 September –  6GT Hengistbury Head Trip - Model River System Study

Wednesday 29 September –6EN Hengistbury Head Trip – Model River System Study

Friday 1 October – INSET DAY

Tuesday 5 October – Bournemouth Water visiting Year 6 as part of Rivers topic work

Friday 15 October -  School photographer – Individual Photographs

Monday 25 – Friday 29 October – Half Term

Friday 5 November – Flu Immunisation for all year groups

Friday 19 November – INSET DAY

Friday 17 December – Last day of Autumn term.  School finishes 3.15pm

Tuesday 4 January 2022 – First day of Spring term


As always, dates for the year can be found on the calendar under the News and Events heading.


Yours sincerely


M Partridge

