Parents Evenings for all year groups - Week beginning 18 October
Dear Parent/Carer
Parents' Evening - Online Appointment Booking for Virtual Video Meeting
I would like to invite you to attend our virtual video call Parents' Evening on Tuesday 19th and Thursday 21st October. This is an important evening which provides you with an opportunity to discuss your child's progress.
The school will continue to use a new and easy to use online appointment booking system for your virtual online video meeting. It allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointment.
Appointments can be made from Tuesday 12th October at 19:00 hours and will close at 15:00 hours the day before the last Parents' Evening for each year group (Wednesday 20th October). Please visit to book your appointments.
A short guide on how to add appointments can be found on the website -click here to view.
It is essential that you are logged in ready for your meeting as the allocated ten minutes begin to count down from your appointment time. The programme will only allow ten minutes from the time of the teacher opening the video call with yourself.
Yours sincerely
M Partridge