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Mudeford JuniorSchool

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Mudeford JuniorSchool

House Points

House points

  • Red 1021
  • Blue 1076
  • Yellow 935
  • Green 1003

Online Safety - Momo

Please Be Aware



We have become increasingly aware of highly inappropriate videos circulating online and are being viewed by children across the school. ‘Momo’ is being secretly inserted into YouTube videos of Peppa Pig and Fornite and can be found on other APPS such as WhatsAPP.

'These video clips are appearing on many social media sites and YouTube (including Kids YouTube).


'One of the videos starts innocently, like the start of a Peppa Pig episode for example, but quickly turn into an altered version with violence and offensive language.


Momo features a creepy woman with dark hair, a devilish grin and protruding eyes, who entices children through a WhatsApp account and then sends them images and instruction on how to harm themselves and others.


'As you can imagine, this is highly distressing for the children to view. We encourage you to be vigilant when your child is using any device or watching any clips.'
