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Mudeford JuniorSchool

School Logo

Mudeford JuniorSchool

House Points

House points

  • Red 1021
  • Blue 1076
  • Yellow 935
  • Green 1003

King’s Coronation Celebrations

Dear Parents,


To celebrate the King’s Coronation, we will be having a special time of celebration. During the school day on Friday 5th May the children will take part in a Coronation Celebration. During the morning, they will have the chance to decorate a biscuit which they can eat at the celebration. They will still need a normal lunchbox or they will receive their normal hot meal at lunchtime.



Are you a keen baker? Are your cakes worthy of royalty? On Wednesday 3rd May we will be sending home a paper plate and it would be great if you could fill the plate with cakes (homemade or shop bought) and return to school on the morning of Friday 5th May. Cupcakes, whole cakes, biscuits or tray bakes would be most welcome.  We will be holding a cake sale that day after school. We are looking for parent volunteers who would be willing to help set up the cake stall and then sell the cakes from about 2pm. Please email to if you would like to help.



On Friday 28th April we will send home a piece of card which your child should decorate to commemorate the King’s Coronation. This should be brought to school on Friday 5th May. We will attach them to a piece of dowel and the children can take them out to wave during the school celebration.



A group of children will be performing a maypole dance during our school coronation picnic. We will be opening the gates at the earlier time of 2:45pm on Friday 5th May and you are warmly invited to come along and watch the Maypole troop perform, before treating yourself to a cake from the cake stall!




The children are welcome to come to school in red, white and blue mufti on Friday 5th May. They can also choose to bling their bikes or scooters in red, white and blue theme to celebrate the day. There will be prizes for the winning designs.



The key dates and times are listed below:


Friday 28th April- Children will bring home a piece of card so they can create a commemorative flag.


Tuesday 3rd May- Children will come home with a paper plate to be filled with homemade or shop bought cakes or biscuits


Friday 5th May

  • Return the paper plate with cakes at drop off. Bring your pennies after school for the cake sale (cakes from 20p upwards).
  • Bring the flag design back to school.
  • Children to wear red, white and blue mufti.
  • Children can choose to bling their bike or scooter.
  • Cake sale after school.
  • You are invited to watch the maypole troop perform on the field from 2:45pm.

We are looking forward to an exciting day of celebrations! Many thanks for your continued support.


Miss McKinley
