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Mudeford JuniorSchool

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Mudeford JuniorSchool

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  • Green 1003

July Newsletter

Dear Parents/Carers


I hope you and your family are keeping well.


The Government have published on 2  July 2020 guidance for the full opening of schools in September. Full information can be found on   During this forthcoming week, the Governors, the Leadership Team and myself will be meeting to discuss plans and arrangements in order to adhere to Health and Safety guidelines, to facilitate the full reopening of the school on Thursday 3rd September, this being the designated first day of the Autumn Term 2020.   I will be sending out more details before the end of term.


The Department for Education has also informed schools that childcare provision for keyworker children will cease on Thursday 16th July and will not continue throughout the summer holidays.


Class placements:

The classes for next year will be:


Current Class             Class for Sept. 2020               Class Teacher





                   Mrs Miller   





                   Miss Touchin





                   Miss Egan





                   Mr Goodlet


The Year 3 teachers next year will be Mrs Burton (3BN) and Miss McKinley/Mrs White (3MW).  The Year 5 teachers will be Mrs Scott-Thomas (5ST) and Miss Armstrong/Mrs Donaldson (5AD).  The present Year 4 classes have been split and notification will be sent out separately to Year 4 parents.


We are sorry to be losing Mrs Crutchley, who has played a key role in the Leadership Team over the last ten years, both as SENDCo and Assistant Headteacher and Mrs Shepherd, who has been with us for over 20 years, at the end of this term. We would like to wish them all the best in their future ventures and thank them for their outstanding contribution to the school over many years. 


Mrs Rachel Power, our previous Deputy Headteacher, will be taking on the role of SENDCo.


From September 2020, Mrs Miller and Miss McKinley will be jointly responsible for the organisation and running of Years 3 and 4, whilst Mr Goodlet remains in charge of Years 5 and 6.


The school would like to thank Mr Tony Page for his support and dedication as Chair of the School Governors over the last 10 years.  During this period of time the school has been recognised as outstanding by OFSTED for the attainment and achievement of all pupils.  Mrs Karen Smith has taken on the role of Chair of Governors and Mr Richard Mayer has been elected Vice Chair of the Governing Body.


Throughout the summer holidays we will keep you updated with any developments via the school website.  Although no formal homework will be set for the summer holidays, reading a variety of genres, keeping up times tables practise and the learning of spellings will all benefit your child on their return to school in September.


Kind regards



M Partridge

