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Mudeford JuniorSchool

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Mudeford JuniorSchool

House Points

House points

  • Red 6041
  • Blue 5967
  • Yellow 4644
  • Green 6022

January 2020 Whole School Newsletter and Dates for the term

Up to date information is available on the school website including dates for both spring and summer term, staff training days, trips and much more.


Emergency Closure

Schools are no longer required to notify local radio stations.  If the school is to be closed for any reason, this will be published on the school website by 8am.



Year 3 swimming will resume on Monday 13th January  – may we remind you that the voluntary contribution of £30 for the whole term to Easter is now due.  There are 10 consecutive weeks of swimming sessions, finishing on Monday 23rd March.


Teacher led clubs          

Teacher led after school clubs will begin week starting Monday 20th January.


SATs week                         

SAT tests for children in Years 6 will take place week beginning Monday 11th May.  It is important that all Year 6 children are in school throughout this week.



Trips for each year group have been booked and dates confirmed. Payments can be made on ParentMail now for each of these trips (refer to Dates for Your Diary).


Osmington Bay                

Year 6 parents are reminded that the balance for the Osmington Bay trip is due by Friday 27 March.  Remember that you can pay smaller amounts by ParentMail or by sending in cash or cheque, building up to the final balance if you choose.


Safety in the School Car Park

The school car park is a very busy place. We have allocated a section of the car park for visitor parking  where children can be collected and dropped off.

In order to safeguard the safety of the children please do not:

  • drive into the staff car park to drop off children.
  • allow the children to cross the car park, insist that they use the pavements
  • use the school drive in order to turn around
  • obstruct the main blue gates restricting access for emergency vehicles



If you bring or collect your child by car, please only park on the school side of Mudeford Lane and never stop on the raised area opposite the gate to allow children crossing the road to have a clear view either way.  Neighbours have also requested that driveways and garages are not blocked when collecting your child.  If you are collecting from the Nelson Drive gate, please be considerate when parking and do not obstruct this pedestrian gate. Dropping off or parking on zig-zag lines also places our children at risk.


Parent Evenings              

Year 6 parent evenings will be on Tuesday 4th February 4.00-6.30pm and Wednesday 5th February, 5.30-8.00pm.  For Years 3, 4, 5 parent evenings will be held on Tuesday 24 March 4.00-6.30pm and Wednesday 25 March 5.30-8.00 pm. 


Parent View Website

As part of the new Ofsted inspection process a website has been launched asking for parents’ views on every school.  It is a very quick and simple survey requiring only 2 minutes of your time.  We would very much appreciate your support in completing this survey.

The address for Ofsted is:

Then go to the section “Give your views”.    Many thanks for your continued support.


Friends of Mudeford Junior School

The PTA’s Christmas activities were a huge success, raising over £5000 (the exact figure to be confirmed) and we appreciate all the support given by parents and staff. 


Dates for Your Diary

Friday 10 January            Pantomime for all the children to enjoy

Monday 13 January         Swimming starts for Year 3 children

Monday 20 January        Teacher led after school clubs begin

Friday 31 January             Disco

Tuesday 4 February         Year 6 Parent Evening 4.00-6.30 pm

Wednesday 5 February  Year 6 Parent Evening 5.30-8.00pm

Wednesday 12 Feb          Members of Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra performing in school

Monday 17 February      Half term week

Monday 2 March              Global Awareness Week

Thursday 5 March            World Book Day (children invited to dress up as a character from a book)

Friday 13 March                Year 5 Healthy Cooking Workshops

Friday 20 March                Disco

Monday 23 March           Last Year 3 Swimming Session for the year

Tuesday 24 March           Year 3, 4, 5 Parent Evening 4.00-6.30 pm

Wednesday 25 March    Year 3, 4, 5 Parent Evening 5.30-8.00pm

Friday 27 March                Final payment due for Year 6 Osmington Bay trip

Friday 27 March                Year 4 trip to Ancient Technology Centre, Cranborne

Friday 3 April                      Break up for Easter

Monday 20 April               Return to school – Summer term begins

Tuesday 28 April               3BC trip to Hengistbury Head Education Centre

Wednesday 29 April        3EN trip to Hengistbury Head Education Centre

Friday 8 May                      May Bank Holiday

Monday 11-14 May         Year 6 SATs Week

Tuesday 19 May               Sports Day

Wednesday 20 May        Year 4 trip to Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra Concert, Poole

Monday 22 May               Class photographs

Monday 25 May               Half Term week

Thursday 4 June               Reserve Sports Day (if wet on Tuesday 19th May)

Friday 12 -15 June           Year 6 Osmington Bay Trip

Monday 22 June              Staff Training Day

Monday 6 July                   Year 5 trip to Carey Camp

Wednesday 1 July            Secondary schools’ transition day

Friday 17 July                     Last Day of Term 3.15 pm finish

Thursday 3 September  Return to school - Autumn term begins

Monday 26 October        Half term week

