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Mudeford JuniorSchool

School Logo

Mudeford JuniorSchool

House Points

House points

  • Red 1021
  • Blue 1076
  • Yellow 935
  • Green 1003

Information on all children returing to school Thursday 3 September

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are very much looking forward to seeing all the children this Thursday.  
The continued safety of the children and staff is paramount and in order to minimise risk, we will be adhering closely to the Government guidelines on returning to school. The Government have updated their advice to schools on Friday 28th August with further advice concerning face coverings.  Children in Primary schools will not be expected to wear any facial coverings whilst on school grounds.

The children will be working, playing and eating in year group bubbles, to minimise interaction with children of other year groups. Entry and exit times, break times and lunch times will therefore need to be staggered throughout the day. We ask that you stick to the allocated times for arrival and collection so that year group bubbles do not mix. We have set arrival times before 9am in order to help parents who need to go to work and have liaised with the Infant school to ensure our collection times do not clash with theirs. There is an established one-way system around the school, which we will continue to use. Entry will only be through the main gate on Mudeford Lane. Only one parent should accompany their child at the start and end of the session. Parents are requested not to congregate at entrances to the school and to move away from the school as soon as possible.

We kindly request that the children arrive during their allocated slot so that numbers of parents and children on site can be safely managed. 

We ask children of 4TN to arrive no earlier than 8.30am, with the children lining up promptly at 8.35am. We ask parents to collect the children of 4TN promptly at 3.05pm. The gate will open at 3pm. 

We ask children of 4MR to arrive no earlier than 8.35am, with the children lining up promptly at 8.40am. We ask parents to collect the children of 4MR promptly at 3.10pm. 

We ask children of 6GT to arrive no earlier than 8.30am, with the children lining up promptly at 8.35am. We ask parents to collect the children of 6GT promptly at 3.05pm. 
We ask children of 6EN to arrive no earlier than 8.35am, with the children lining up promptly at 8.40am. We ask parents to collect the children of 6EN promptly at 3.10pm.
We ask children of 3BN to arrive no earlier than 8.45am, with the children lining up promptly at 8.50am. We ask parents to collect the children of 3BN promptly at 3.20pm. 
We ask children of 3MW to arrive no earlier than 8.50am, with the children lining up promptly at 8.55am. We ask parents to collect the children of 3MW promptly at 3.25pm. 
We ask children of 5ST to arrive no earlier than 8.45am, with the children lining up promptly at 8.50am. We ask parents to collect the children of 5ST promptly at 3.20pm. 
We ask children of 5AD to arrive no earlier than 8.50am, with the children lining up promptly at 8.55am. We ask parents to collect the children of 5AD promptly at 3.25pm.
Information regarding homework, after school clubs, hot lunches and curriculum content will be sent out over the next few weeks.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

M Partridge
