February Whole School Newsletter
Dear Parent / Carer,
Parents' Evening - Online Appointment Booking for Face to Face meetings which will be held in school
You will be able to book your appointment on line to see your child’s teacher in school - Parents' Evening on Tuesday 7 February and Thursday 9 February 16:00 – 19:00 hrs. This is an important evening which provides you with an opportunity to discuss your child's progress.
The school continues to use an online appointment booking system for your meeting. It allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointment.
Appointments can be made from Monday 30 January at 19:00 hours and will close at 15:00 hours the day before the last Parents' Evening for each year group (Wednesday 8 February). Please visit https://mudefordjunior.schoolcloud.co.uk/ to book your appointments.
Please note that due to Parents’ Evenings there will be no teacher run clubs during the week beginning Monday 6th February.
Mrs Lee – 4LE maternity cover
Mrs Lee will be taking maternity leave during the second half of the spring term. Miss Basson, currently teaching in year 6, will be teaching 4LE for the remainder of the year. Mr Goodlet will continue teaching 6GB, supported by Miss McKinley.
Industrial Action
As you may be aware the NEU teaching union is beginning a series of strikes. We are aware that we need to inform parents/carers at the earliest opportunity to give them sufficient time to make alternative arrangements.
Members of the NEU have no legal obligation to inform their employer of their intentions until the morning of the industrial action. On this occasion it has been possible to give you early notification of the closure of the school on Wednesday 1st February. Further strikes are planned in for Thursday 2nd March, Wednesday 15th March and Thursday 16th March. We will endeavour to let you know in advance if the school will be closed on those days.
Parent’s First Aid
We are delighted that so many parents signed up for the First Aid Training on Friday 10th February. Due to the number of parents showing interest we will now be running two sessions during the morning.
Tuesday Morning Cardio Tennis, Health and Wellbeing Session for Parents
Due to popular demand Cardio tennis will begin again on Tuesday 28 February 09:00 - 10:15. All Parents of Mudeford Junior School children are welcome. Ally and Harry will be offering a fun morning of cardio tennis, fitness and fun for parents. Enjoy a morning of great activities, in a fun, friendly environment, all abilities welcome for an inclusive session. These sessions will be FREE of charge. More information will follow.
We need to know why your child is absent from school. Please telephone (from 8.30am onwards) or email the school office office@mudefordjs.co.uk on the first day of absence. In every case a note is required on return to school. It is essential that we are given a reason for every absence as Government legislation requires that we report any unauthorised absence. We may be required on occasions to discuss a particular absence with you and it may be necessary for us to refuse to authorise the absence and record it as unauthorised. We are also required to contact parents if the school has not received a reason for absence.
Ordering hot school meals
Order forms for the following week’s hot school meals should reach you on Monday each week. Please can we ask that you ensure we receive your order before Thursday at 3.30pm if you wish your child to receive a hot meal for the following week (if you are in any doubt as to whether your order has gone through, please contact the school office). The school’s order is then collected by the catering company who provide us with the correct amount of food to be served based on this number and does not allow for extra meals which have not been ordered.
Dates for your Diary
Thursday 2nd February – Year 4 Road Safety. We are starting a Safe Training Education Programme with our Year 4 children led by BCP. This involves training children at the roadside and teaching them about safe crossing.
Tuesday 7th February – Internet Safety Day
Tuesday 7th February – Year 5 Cookery (children to be educated regarding seasonality and sustainability of food types, including ‘hands-on’ cooking)
Tuesday 7th February – Parents Evening for all classes (4.00 – 7.00pm)
Thursday 9th February – Year 4 Road Safety
Thursday 9th February – Parents evening for all classes (4.00 – 7.00pm)
Friday 10th February – Parent First Aid Training
Monday 27th February – Visiting author to work with all classes - Children will be invited to dress up as their favourite book character (please note change of date)
Tuesday 28 February – Parent Cardio Tennis and Wellbeing Sessions begin
Wednesday 29th March – School Disco for all year groups
Monday 1st May – Bank Holiday
Monday 8th May – Bank Holiday for King Charles’ III Coronation
Tuesday 9th May – Friday 12th May – Year 6 SATs week
Friday 9th June – Monday 12th June – Year 6 residential trip to Osmington Bay
Friday 16th June 2023 – INSET Day
Wednesday 28th June – Year 4 visit to Ancient Technology Centre, Cranborne
Yours sincerely
M Partridge