December Whole School Newsletter
Mudeford Junior School
Dear Parents/Carers,
Once again, as we approach the end of the Autumn term I would like to thank you for the incredible support shown by the parents of the school, and would like to wish you a Merry Christmas.
The staff of the school have put together a small video. This can be found on the front of the website or via the link
Mudeford Junior School Staff wish you a Merry Christmas | Mudeford Junior School ( The children have also been celebrating Christmas as part of their music lessons. A sample of these can be found in the Childrens Section / Video Resource Centre.
Festive activities have taken place throughout the week. All year groups have had the opportunity to take part in some festive cooking, Christmas art and craft, their year group Christmas party and to watch Mr Merlin’s magic performance. We are also looking forward to the traditional Christmas dinner tomorrow.
We would like to thank you for your generous response to our Reverse Advent, donating food and items for the local food bank, who were greatly appreciative of the significant amount they received.
BCP Local Authority have written to schools and parents over the last few days.
You will have received the letter from Julia Coleman, Service Manager School & Provider Standards & Support 0-19 Children’s Services, and this can also be seen in the latest news section of the school website. Julia Coleman, wrote to say that, “Despite the excellent work of parents, pupils and staff, cases continue to rise in schools and latterly in the community. Whilst we cannot go into specific details, as well as cases in pupils, we have also seen both Covid and other illnesses taking their toll on staffing. Staff absence in BCP and Dorset is 4 times the national average (15-20%). There are many other schools facing these sorts of decision at the moment.”
There is much that parents / carers can do to support us over Christmas and the New Year.
What you can do:
- Keep testing habits going in families over the holidays and awareness of hand washing etc after shopping trips
- Be vigilant for symptoms and do not send children in after the holidays with any Covid, fever or headachy symptoms
- Seek PCR tests for family well-being if you get symptoms or are asked to do so
- Encourage adherence to changing guidelines
- Follow guidance from track and trace who are following up on Omicron and/or guidance on Day 2 testing and test for return if you are holidaying abroad-current guidance is you cannot return until negative tests are back
- Be aware that we often have to respond to cases and changes in policy very quickly
Mudeford Junior School is continually updated by the Department for Education and BCP Local Authority regarding the latest news and advice on Covid and how it is affecting schools. Although numbers at the school have been remarkably low compared to other schools in the authority, we need to be ready to respond if the situation changes. As part of this process the risk assessment for the school and safety protocols are constantly being reviewed. If changes need to be made you will be notified via ParentMail and it will be posted on the school website.
Some parents have asked whether the children are required to take a lateral flow test before returning to school in January. Whilst not mandatory for this age group, any additional safety measures undertaken would be beneficial to the school community.
School will finish at the usual time for each class on Friday 17th December and we return on Tuesday 4th January 2022.
May I personally take this opportunity to wish you all a safe and happy Christmas and New Year.
Best wishes
Mr M Partridge