Bikeability Level Two Year 5 2020
Dear Parent/carers,
Bikeability Level 2 course will be held on Monday 12th October and Friday 13th November (inset days). The session is 2 hours and will be held at either 9 -11am OR 11.30 -1.30pm.
The Level 2 course gives participants on road experience in residential traffic to help them prepare to make short journeys by bicycle.
Mudeford Junior School recognises that cycling is an enjoyable and healthy activity and we are keen to help the children learn how to stay safe when cycling. Cycling helps children to achieve their recommended 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Many teachers also report that those children who walk and cycle to school are more alert and ready to learn. As we feel this is such a valuable life skill to learn and will stand the children in good stead for the future, the course will be free of charge. Children must however have a roadworthy bike with 2 working brakes and inflated tyres. All children must wear a fitted helmet.
This opportunity is open to any Year 5 pupils who completed Level 1 last October.
Please contact Karen Lett directly on 07540 428757 if you would like further information or would like to reserve a place on the course as places are limited.
Yours sincerely
Mark Partridge